[ESP]//[ENG] Celebrando el cumpleaños de nuestra REINA ♥ - Celebrating the birthday of our QUEEN ♥

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos de hive. Hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes la celebración de la persona mas importante de mi vida y el pilar que mantiene unido a mi familia. Sí, les hablo de mi abuela♥

Hello friends of the hive. Today I come to share with you the celebration of the most important person in my life and the pillar that holds my family together. Yes, I'm talking about my grandmother ♥


Les contare un poquito sobre ella, Mi abuela Se llama Rosa Rengel muy conocida en su barrio como la señora Rosa Pino (apellido de su antigua pareja). Mi vieja es la mujer mas luchadora, fuerte y trabajadora que conozco pero por razones del destino este año en particular no ha sido nada fácil ni para ella ni para nosotros.
Este año Sufrió muchas enfermedades entre ella un acv, que ocasionó que de vez en cuando se descoordine un poco y pierda la noción de tiempo y espacio.

I will tell you a little about her, my grandmother. Her name is Rosa Rengel, well known in her neighborhood as Rosa Pino (last name of her ex-partner). My old woman is the most feisty, strong and hard-working woman I know, but for reasons of fate this particular year has not been easy for her or for us.
This year he suffered from many illnesses, including a stroke, which caused him to become a bit uncoordinated from time to time and lose track of time and space.

El caso es que mi abuela tenia meses esperando éste cumpleaños en particular (por lo general ella no le prestaba atención a esta fecha), una vez por semana decía " este fue mi peor cumpleaños, nadie me felicitó" cuando ni siquiera había llegado la fecha, le decíamos que aun faltaba mucho, pero no estaba convencida y semanalmente repetía lo mismo " no me felicitaron en mi cumpleaños".

The fact is that my grandmother had been waiting months for this particular birthday (she used to ignore this date), once a week she said "this is my worst birthday, nobody congratulated me" when it was not even the date, we told her. that it was not yet the date, but she was not convinced and every week she repeated the same thing "they did not congratulate me on my birthday".

Para nadie es un secreto que en mi país celebrar un cumpleaños sencillo es sumamente difícil, el sueldo mínimo no da ni siquiera para comprar una torta pequeña (5$), pero pesé a todas las dificultades económicas que pudiéramos tener, mis hermanos y yo nos colocamos como meta celebrarle su cumpleaños, por todo lo que ella ha pasado, por todo lo que lo ha esperado y sencillamente porque es lo menos que se merece, ser feliz♥

It is no secret to anyone that in my country celebrating a simple birthday is extremely difficult, the minimum wage is not even enough to buy a cake ($ 5), but despite all the financial difficulties we may have, my brothers and I Our goal is to celebrate his birthday, for everything that has happened, for everything he has waited for and simply because it is the least he deserves, to be happy ♥

Nos repartimos las funciones, Mi hermana se encargaría de hacer los pasapalos ( tequeños- empanadas) y algunos dulces (bombas y donas)- Mi hermano le compraría todos los materiales y finalmente, yo me encargaría de comprar las tortas y la bebida.

We shared the functions, my sister was in charge of making the appetizers (tequeños- empanadas) and some sweets (chocolates and donuts) - My brother bought all the materials for her and finally I was in charge of buying the cakes and drinks.

Y así fue, empezó su día...

And so it was, his day began ...

Salí super temprano al centro, le compre 2 tortas pequeñas, me devolví a buscar un regalo que le tenía (Un Shampoo, una crema corporal, y unas frutas), de camino a su casa le compre 1 globo para que su regalo se viera mas bonito.

I left super early to the center, I bought her 2 small cakes, I went back to look for a gift that I had for her (a Shampoo, a body cream and some fruits), on the way to her house I bought her 1 balloon so that her gift could be seen more cute.

Mis hermanos llegaron luego como a las 11am con los dulces y también le tenían un regalo, lo que a ella mas le gusta CAFÉ, leche, azúcar y una tazas pequeñas, parecerá poco para algunos, pero eso para ella es la gloria, si alguien no le regalaba café en su cumpleaños, no tendría mucho sentido porque eso es lo que ella ama.

My brothers came later around 11 in the morning with the sweets and they also had a gift for her, what she likes the most COFFEE, milk, sugar and a small cup, to some it will seem little, but that for her is the Glory. If someone forgets their coffee on their birthday, it wouldn't make a lot of sense because that's what she loves.

Mi abuela es muy querida en su comunidad y sus vecinas también les llevaron algunos presentes y se quedaron a compartir con ella ese día tan especial para todos.

My grandmother is very loved in her community and her neighbors also brought them some presents and they stayed to share with her that special day for everyone.

Así quedo su mesa, no tenia mucho pero le sobró amor.

This is how her table was decorated, she didn't have much, but she had plenty of love.


Mi abuela es diabetica y estaba en el paraiso, no dejaba de comer dulce.

My grandmother is diabetic and she was in paradise, she couldn't stop eating candy.


Todos sus nietos estaban allí para hacerla feliz, y aunque a ella no le gusta que le tomen fotos, aquí logré coleccionar algunas.

All her grandchildren were there to make her happy, and although she does not like to be taken photos, here I managed to collect some.

Con su nieto ♥ - With his grandson ♥


Con sus nietas♥ - With her granddaughters♥


Como no puede comer mucho dulce, y menos tan tarde ( por la diabetes) decidimos que teniamos cantarle cumpleaños temprano, y a la 1:30 pm le cantamos cumpleaños.

Since he cannot eat many sweets, and less late because of his illness, we decided that we had to sing him birthdays before, and at 1:30 in the afternoon we sang birthdays to him.


Había un pedido especial de su parte, quería beber Coca-Cola, hacía años que no la probaba y como era su cumpleaños estaba contenta (solo un vaso), su cara feliz no tenía precio.

There was a special request on her part, she wanted to drink Coca-Cola, she had not tried it for years and because it was her birthday she was pleased (just one glass), her happy face was priceless.

Así paso su cumpleaños, feliz y contenta. Y nosotros aun más por haberle dado un poquito de alegría a nuestra abuela, hubiésemos querido hacerle algo inmenso pero se hizo lo que se pudo, lo importante fue que ella la paso bien y todas las personas que la queremos, estuvimos alli.

This is how her birthday passed, happy and content. And we even more for having given our grandmother a little bit of joy, we would have liked to do something immense with her but we did what we could, the important thing was that she had a good time and that all the people who love her were there. . .

Realmente espero en años futuros, hacerle algo a su altura, mi viejita merece el cielo, la luna y las estrellas. Agradezco infinitamente a dios por permitirme disfrutar con ella este cumpleaños y espero tenerla conmigo muchos años mas, a mis hermanos por haberme ayudado, a mi tía que es quien la cuida a diario y a todas las personas que estuvieron allí alegrando su día.

I really hope in the next few years, to do something at her height, my old woman deserves the sky, the moon and the stars. I am infinitely grateful to God for allowing me to enjoy this birthday with her and I hope to have her with me for many more years, to my brothers for helping me, to my aunt who is the one who takes care of her every day and to all the people who were there to make her day. .

Aquí les dejo un pequeño vídeo de lo que fue su día.

Here is a small video of what his day was like.

Para ser un ángel no hay que tener alas, ni ser invisible.
Solo hay que ser especial en la vida de otra persona.
Así como tu lo eres en la mía, ABUELA.

To be an angel, you don't have to have wings, or be invisible.
You just have to be special in someone else's life.
Just as you are in mine, GRANDMA.



Si tienes a alguien especial contigo, haz tu mejor esfuerzo para hacerlos felices, aprovechemos el hecho de que todavía los tenemos vivos y podemos seguir sumando hermosos recuerdos.

If you have someone special with you, do your best to make them happy, let's take advantage of the fact that we still have them alive and we can continue to add beautiful memories

Espero de todo corazón que haya sido de su agrado, gracias @blocktrades @trafalgar @ocd @ocdb @appreciator @curie @kpine @upmewhale @rocky1 @cervantes

I hope with all my heart that you liked it, thanks @blocktrades @cervantes @trafalgar @ocd @ocdb @appreciator @curie @kpine @upmewhale @rocky1

FotoJet (12).jpg

  • Todas las fotos son de mi autoría.
    Fueron tomadas desde Mi Redmi9 y editadas con la aplicación Collage Maker.
  • Video editado con Inshot.
  • All photos are my own.
    They were taken from My Redmi9 and edited with the Collage Maker application.
  • Video edited with Inshot.