(ESP/ENG) Promo 77 Medicos Cirujanos UCLA || Promo 77 UCLA Medical Surgeons

in GEMS3 years ago

Hola queridos Hiver´s ❤️ | Hello dear Hiver´s ❤️


Hoy quiero contarles que hace unos meses atras fui a la clase magistral de la promo 77 de medicos cirujanos en donde el ultimo compañero de nuestro grupo formado cuando empezamos la carrera se graduo finalmente. Para ponerlos en contexto cuando inicie la universidad formamos un grupo de estudio el cual ahora es parte de cada uno, porque nos consideramos una familia. Somos 10 personas en total, 9 mujeres y 1 hombre Arnoldo el graduando.

Today I want to tell you that a few months ago I went to the master class of the 77th promotion of surgeons where the last classmate of our group formed when we started the race finally graduated. To put it in context when I started college we formed a study group which is now part of each other, because we consider ourselves a family. We are 10 people in total, 9 women and 1 man Arnoldo the graduate.


Incluso nos llamaban los angeles de arnold por ser el unico hombre en el grupo, 8 de las muchachas se graduaron el promo 74, porque arnoldo y yo en 2017 pausamos la carrer. Yo volvi al siguiente semestre pero a el le toco esperar un poco mas. Yo me gradue en la promo 75 y el en esta promo que fue la 77.

We were even called arnold's angels because he was the only man in the group, 8 of the girls graduated in promo 74, because arnoldo and I in 2017 paused the carrer. I came back the following semester but he had to wait a little longer. I graduated in class 75 and he graduated in class 77.


Pero en fin que fiesta mas buena, creanme que me la disfrute como si fuera la mia porque yo no tuve nada de esto, a mi de broma me entrgaron el titulo, porque, por la pandemia bendito covid-19 y me hiso recordar mucho el tiempo en la universidad cuando eramos piojos y veiamos aquellos fiestones por las promo salientes.

But anyway what a great party, believe me I enjoyed it as if it was my own because I had none of this, I jokingly got my degree because of the pandemic blessed covid-19 and it made me remember a lot the time in college when we were lice and we saw those parties for the outgoing promo.



Hubo de todo banda en vivo, grupo de vallenarto, mariachis, hora loca, no fue lo maximo, nos toco llevarnos todo y cargar la cava porque eramos 4 mujeres pero llevamos comida bebidas la pasamos super bien, tambien nos reencontramos con los profesores que es una maravilla ya vernos asi graduados y ellos aun alli enseñando, dando clase siendo padrinos de promocion.

There was everything from live band, vallenarto group, mariachis, crazy hour, it was not the best, we had to take everything and carry the wine cellar because we were 4 women but we took food and drinks, we had a great time, we also met again with the professors and it was wonderful to see us graduating and they were still there teaching, giving classes and being sponsors of the graduating class.



De verdad que espero algun dia vuelvan estos tiempo a nuetsro pais donde todo era bonito donde se podia estudiar con calidad, transporte, comedor, biblioteca, venta de productos para los estudiantes, a pesar de que estudiar medicina es publico, es decir, gratis, es una carrera costosa.

I really hope that someday these times will come back to our country where everything was nice where you could study with quality, transportation, dining room, library, sale of products for students, although studying medicine is public, ie free, it is an expensive career.

Espero les haya gustado este pedacito de mi vida, los leo en un proximo post...!!

I hope you liked this little piece of my life, I will read you in a future post!



Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Separador: @cryptosharon



El covid haciendo estragos !! Al menos pudiste disfrutar de esta celebración ! Saludos ✌️✌️

Siiii creeme que el covid nos arrebato momento unicos, pero lo importante son los verdaderos logros que tenemos dia a dia, gracias por visitar mi post

Así es amiga mía saludos y energías ✌️

You looked stunning over there. Have a great day!

Thanks, I like to look good from time to time

You always look great

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