
Hi Ruben, thank you for creating these assets unfortunately they don't seem to be working?

Ok after I made the above comment they started working? 😂👍

Hello @molometer, did you manage to download them and try them out? Let me know :))

They seem to be working fine now @rubencress 👏👍

Awesome, are you planning to use them? If so, please tag me if you'd like to. I would like to see how they look on other's content. :)

I post a new video every Friday. I'll see how they fit in with my theme.
If I use them I'll tag you. 👍

Great! Feel free to add any suggestions :)

Hola Ruben, hermosos los diseños que creastes. Escribo solo en blog y publico algunos trabajos en Twitter así que los banner que hiciste los quiero usar. Muchas gracias po poner a la disposición de los usuarios de Hive estas creaciones. Saludos y feliz dia.

Hola @popurri. Gracias por encontrar las imágenes valiosas, ¡estoy feliz de que pueda usarlas y las usará! De nada :)

Google translate.... 🤣

This is indeed a great way to make content creator save time while creating and also reach a much wider audience.

The innovation is great but my question goes thus, how do we source these materials. I know it's free but it's important to give credit to the owners

Thank you :)

It's a great point that you bring up. It is usually the case, whenever designs are being used that they are properly sourced/credited (after contacting the creator/author). As I mentioned in the post, you don't have to credit me, and I encourage you not to credit me whenever you use these assets to reach out to your own audience to raise awareness for Hive.

-If- you want to write a post about these assets, to raise awareness for the assets themself, you can credit me of course, or reblog this post.

In short;

  • Raise awareness for the creator (me); credit me.
  • Raise awareness for the Hive: don't credit me.

Oh.. This is definitely great thinking

Interesting because I do not see progress

Progress regarding Hive blockchain? Or progress regarding price?

In both

I see, I'm sorry you see it that way. But thank you for engaging, that's much appreciated. I took a quick look at your profile, I noticed you're a soccer coach/trainer, am I right? It might be interesting to the Venezuelan community if you would write how you keep your head up during this pandemic or share more of your personal/private passions/hobby's (other than news items about soccer). Even though the blockchain and price may lack the progress you'd wish to see, you might find yourself progressing during these times. When the price is low, it's the best time to post more frequently.

Ya veo, lamento que lo veas de esa manera. Pero gracias por participar en este blog (y otros), eso es muy apreciado. Eché un vistazo rápido a tu perfil, me di cuenta de que eres entrenador de fútbol, ​​¿verdad? Podría ser interesante para la comunidad venezolana si escribiera sobre cómo mantiene la cabeza en alto durante esta pandemia o si comparte más de sus pasiones / pasatiempos personales / privados (además de las noticias de fútbol). A pesar de que la cadena de bloques y el precio pueden carecer del progreso que le gustaría ver, es posible que se encuentre progresando durante estos momentos. Cuando el precio es bajo, es el mejor momento para publicar con más frecuencia.

This is definitely the coolest thing I've seen this week,nice work man will try them out.

Alright, nice!

Keep it up man.

Let me know when you use them, Cheers 😁

Wow! Thanks xD
Can you make the GIF a little bit smaller in size?

Thank you for actually logging in again lol. I wish you had some time to make these type of animations,as they are next level.

The twitter community is growing day by day and if everyone uses the twitter GIF, it would certainly grab attention in the crypt community.

I absolutely agree, the thing with Twitter is that they compress gifs on desktop.

Thanks for your contribution for hiveGreat collection @rubencress

Cheers !!

You're welcome, thank you for the kind words.

nice work, I am loving the Hive! Finding it making me more creative and put myself out there a bit more!