Splinterlands Fan Art - Cave Slug

in GEMS3 years ago

I need more practice on Zbrush. As I said on the previous post I haven't been sculpting for almost a year. For todays sculpting excersize I wanted to make a fan art from the game I love SplinterLands. Since I am focusing on creature mouths these days I wanted to give it a shot on simpler model that I can turn into something scarier.

Software: Zbrush
Tablet : Xp-Pen Artist22E PRO
Time : 1 hour ~

Here is some beauty shots of this Cave Slug. If you want to have this model to 3D print tell me in the comments and i'll upload it for download.


This is the cave slug that you meet when you venture too deep and realise they're not your bog standard cave slug anymore XD

fortunately, The Slug is blind.. if you are really stealthy.