I am working on the rig (again, I did some stuff to it that makes my life a bit easier going forward, probably trivial for people who know what they're doing but took me a bit of doing XD and also had to fix the fingers because at some point during the metarig upgrade they got turned into tentacles?! o_O), but it's right on my machine so I can usually pick at hive stuff in between.
Yep sibling is from the island.
Christmas shopping was kind of insane, they got it all done now though XD I still have a bit more to do but it's for cousins and coaches so I can take middle child with me over the next couple of weeks. Just glad I'm not doing it during Christmas crush where it will be actually insane :D

You'd think the island had enough Christmas to go around...Clearly not.
C'mon, I had work that bad dad joke in right? C'mon.
I hope you've been well otherwise, doing your thing and getting set for the run to the end of the year. I'd like to think 2021 is the year it'll all come good and we can get back on track, but something tells me it won't be the silver bullet we're all hoping it will be. A little pessimistic of course, but just how I feel.
Never heard anything even remotely related to that before ever XP
I continue to be as disorganised as hell, same as always XD
There are never silver bullets. I feel like this year really was a "year of vision", just probably not how most people...er..."envisioned" it, and it's the part where everything gets worse before it starts getting better.
Speaking of bullets, how well would a silver bullet actually work as a bullet?
That's a good way to put it, 2020 I mean. I see it as a wake up call for many, if only they choose to actually wake up.
Good bloody question.
Unfortunately the answer can be a bit complex but I'll break it down for a very short-form answer which will give you a clue.
Silver is harder than lead so it won't etch the barrel as it travels down it. Barrels twist, imparting spin to the bullet which aids in its accuracy. Silver won't gain as much spin as it is too hard and so will be more inaccurate. If the (silver) bullet is too big it will slow as it travels down the barrel due to the extra friction. This isn't good either. Even 1/1000th of an inch too big will make this happen - Small increments.
When bullets hit the target they flatten (see image) and it's that mushrooming that transfers energy and does the damage as they slow and mushroom out within the body. Silver is hard and so will not do so as much.
There are other reasons that relate to the reloading process and other things, but essentially this should give you a good idea.
This one has hit a flat surface, a steel target. If it had hit a human it still deforms (mushrooms) and does damage though, just not as perfectly even as this. This is why there are different rounds for different purposes. Hunting rounds are designed to impart loads of energy, mushroom out savagely, to create a clean kill. Many militaries use jacketed rounds which do more of an in and out sort of thing wounding, not necessarily killing. A wounded man means a MEDEVAC, or others to care for them effectively taking others out of the fight, and also demoralising the rest of the soldiers. There are special rounds for competition, paper, steel etc. Thousands of different ones that all do different things.
I hope this makes sense.
Sounds like it would make fighting werewolves even more difficult than it would already be XD
Thanks for the dumbed down answer, I think I got the clue :D
You're welcome...I hope it made sense. I think maybe for the warewolves some sort of lead bullet that deforms on impact with a silver core would work nicely. The lead mushrooms out depositing the silver slug inside the beast...Dead.