🐻📷BEARDESIGNS PHOTOSHOOT #4 Beauty And Nature 👄👩🏻💄🌳/🐼📷BEARDESIGNS SESIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA #4 Belleza y Naturalidad👄👩🏻💄🌳

in GEMS4 years ago


Hello Hivers❗🐝👻🎃 welcome to a new post, today after a long time we are going to bring a different post to video game content since today we are back with a post from a BearDesigns session that I did in a set of my colleagues @roinv and @ianpenaranda already for a while I wanted to bring this type of content back to my blog on the blockchain, I hope you like the new photographs and support this type of content since they have a lot of work behind Having said this, join me, and let the post begin ❗🐻🚀📷

❗Hola Hivers❗🐝👻🎃 bienvenidos a un nuevo post, hoy luego de bastante tiempo vamos a volver a traer un post diferente al contenido de videojuegos ya que el día de hoy estamos de vuelta con un post de una sesión de BearDesigns que hice en conjunto de mis compañeros @roinv y @ianpenaranda ya desde hace un tiempo tenía ganas de traer este tipo de contenido de nuevo a mi blog en la blockchain, espero que les gusten las nuevas fotografías y apoyen este tipo de contenido ya que llevan bastante trabajo detrás, dicho esto acompáñenme ❗y que comience el post ❗🐻🚀📷

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This first photo was a somewhat improvised shot and the truth was that it was good, since the place where I did this session was the Calvario Park near the urbanizations of silence, which are quite famous in my city too, although unfortunately the level of insecurity of these places have also made it famous, due to the amount of robberies and robberies that usually occur in this place, in addition to the fact that the church that is located in this place is completely abandoned as well, so the realization of this session also it had a degree of risk in a certain sense so it also influenced the time we could stay in the place, something that not many people dare to do out of fear for their own safety and that is totally understandable and reasonable, but this It does not mean that it is an excellent place to take good photographs like the one you will see below.1 (258).gif

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This first photo was a somewhat improvised shot and the truth was that it was good, since the place where I did this session was the Calvario Park near the urbanizations of silence, which are quite famous in my city too, although unfortunately the level of insecurity of these places have also made it famous, due to the amount of robberies and robberies that usually occur in this place, in addition to the fact that the church that is located in this place is completely abandoned as well, so the realization of this session also it had a degree of risk in a certain sense so it also influenced the time we could stay in the place, something that not many people dare to do out of fear for their own safety and that is totally understandable and reasonable, but this It does not mean that it is an excellent place to take good photographs like the one you will see below.1 (258).gif

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1 (260).gifIn this photo we have a different expression in which with the help of the model, who was quite comfortable when posing in the photos, due to the trust that existed between model and photographer, she made very spontaneous photographs appear, which despite being details That they do not seem so relevant is really quite important to be able to fully exploit the possibilities of a photograph, we have another full-body shot near a quite large tree that was in the area, and I really liked the shot that I managed to capture from moment, since it was difficult to synchronize the pose to be able to obtain the exact photo, since the area where the model was crouched was a bit unstable in some areas, but after several attempts we finally obtained this photograph that is one of my favorites of this session as it captures a good shot of the model and the environment that in great detail decorates the background of the photo, also as a bonus I include another photograph in gift We can give a little detail to the tree and the surrounding vegetation, as well as a small look at the height of the location of the lguar since we can see a small fragment of the view of the city in the background.1 (259).gif

1 (260).gifEn esta foto tenemos una expresión diferente en la que con ayuda de la modelo que estuvo bastante cómoda a la hora de posar en las fotos por la confianza que había entre modelo a fotógrafo hacía que salieran fotografías muy espontáneas, que a pesar de que sean detalles que no parezcan tan relevantes realmente son bastante importantes para poder explotar al máximo las posibilidades de una fotografía, tenemos otra toma también de cuerpo completo cerca de un árbol bastante grande que se encontraba en el área, y me gustó mucho la toma que logré captar del momento, ya que era complicado sincronizar la pose para poder obtener la foto exacta, ya que el área en donde estaba agachada la modelo era un poco inestable en algunas zonas, pero luego de varios intento finalmente obtenemos esta fotografía que es una de mis preferidas de esta sesión ya que se capta una buena toma de la modelo y del entorno que con mucho detalle decora el fondo de la foto, además como bonus incluyo otra fotografía en donde podemos detallar un poco el árbol y la vegetación de sus alrededores además de un pequeño vistazo a la altura de la ubicación del lguar ya que podemos ver un pequeño fragmento de la vista de la ciudad de fondo.1 (259).gif


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1 (262).gifSo we now move on to this full-body photograph again, in which we have a good amount of detail also in the same tree, but this time with a more improvised pose that is very good to express another approach to photography not so serious and with expressions not so neutral as we saw previously, in addition to a smile that is improvised, in my experience, the best smiles that we can capture in photographs are natural or unexpected, since naturalness in photos is totally necessary at times to have photographs of a good level in terms of taking it, in terms of editing the photos and color tonality I really liked the amount of green that we can see in the photograph, since this gives more contrast to darker colors such as the bark of the tree or the hair of the model, which in my opinion give an incredible contrast to the light colors of the vegetation of the place and other surroundings, in addition to being able to capture There are expressions that I liked a lot on a general level.1 (261).gif

1 (262).gifAsí pasamos ahora a esta fotografía d ecuerpo completo nuevamente, en la que tenemos una buena cantidad de detalle también en el mismo árbol, pero en esta ocasión con una pose más improvisada que queda muy bien para expresar otro enfoque de fotografía no tan serio y con expresiones no tan neutrales como vimos anteriormente, además de una sonrisa que improvisada que en mi experiencia, las mejores sonrisas que podremos captar en fotografías son las naturales o inesperadas, ya que la naturalidad en las fotos es totalmente necesaria en ocasiones para tener fotografías de un buen nivel en cuanto a la toma de la misma, en cuanto a la edición de las fotos y tonalidad de colroes me gustó mucho la cantidad de verde que podemos observar en la fotografía, ya que esto le da mas contraste a los colores más obscuro como la corteza del árbol o el pelo de la modelo, que en mi opinión le dan un contraste increíble a los colores claros de la vegetación del lugar y demás alrededores, además de poder captar expresiones que me gustaron bastante a nivel general.1 (261).gif



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1 (293).gifAnd so far today's post Hivers, I hope you liked it, but above all you enjoyed it, what did you think of the photographs? What was your favorite? Let me know in the comments, if you like my content do not forget to follow me so as not to miss anything in your Hive feed or on the contrary visit my website in wordpress, without more to say I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening, SadBear says goodbye from the cave ❗Until another time❗🐻🚀1 (298).gif

All the photos and gifs you saw in this post were taken and edited by me.🐼1 (314).gif

Follow 🐻📷BearDesings👓 on Instagram.1 (294).gif

Add me in discord if you want to give me suggestions for posts or know some information # SadBear # 6392👽1 (295).gif

VISIT MY SITE ON WORDPRESS👻 SadBear Web1 (320).gif

Photographs Taken With Finepix S2950 Camera Lens 28-504mm x18! ezgif.com-resize (190).gif

1 (293).gifY hasta aquí el post de hoy Hivers, espero que les haya gustado, pero sobretodo lo hayan disfrutado, ¿Qué te parecieron las fotografías?, ¿Cuál fue tu favorita?, házmelo saber en los comentarios, si te gusta mi contenido no olvides seguirme para no perderte de nada en tu feed de Hive o por el contrario visita mi página web en wordpress, sin más que decir te deseo unos buenos días, tardes o noches, Desde la Cueva se Despide SadBear ❗Hasta otra ocasión❗🐻🚀1 (298).gif

Todas las fotografías y gifs que viste en este post fueron tomadas y editadas por mí.🐼1 (314).gif

Sigue a 🐻📷BearDesings👓 en Instagram.1 (294).gif

1 (295).gifAgrégame en discord si quieres darme sugerencias para posts o saber alguna información #SadBear#6392👽


Fotografías Tomadas Con Cámara Finepix S2950 Lente 28-504mm x18ezgif.com-resize (190).gif

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¡Excelentes fotografías y buenas imágenes! ¿Qué programa utilizas para editar tus GIFs así?

Saludos y excelente trabajo.

Hola amigo!. gracias por tu comentario, utilizo photoshop en su versión 2017, y el host que utilizo para subir los gifs es Giphy un saludo❗🐻🚀🎮

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Muchas gracias por el apoyo al contenido❗🐻🎮🚀

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¡Super colorida tu publicación, y muy chévere las imágenes saludos!

Hola❗, muchas gracias por tu comentario amigo y ver el post, un saludo❗🐻🚀

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Hermano, tremendas fotografías, eres un duro en todo! Un abrazo grande💙💙

Gracias hermano, tu sabes como es, siempre esforzándose en mejorar cada vez más, siempre a por más❗💙🐻📷🚀

I did not even know that a "simple" picture requires a lot of details.

If in fact sometimes the photograph itself requires many details sometimes for a good photograph to come out, even if it seems something simple hehe ❗🐻🎮🚀

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