Welcome back guys i am going out 3 times in a week to buy some vegetables. Vegetables are so tasty and i love to eat different type of vegetables an fruit. I have mango in fruits and lemon, chilli, and tomato in vegetables. Because today i will make tomto chatni which is traditional indian recipe that is eatable with chapati.
I will make it tomorrow so i will share it with you guys that how you can make tomato chatni indian recipe. trust me it is very tasty and you love to eat. Anyway let me share some photographs :
Actually i have only two tomatoes and it is enough to make chatni. I will buy some more tomatoes tomorrow when i wil go out. And guys i like to eat raw mango with salt. Because i love the Sour taste of it and if we add some chilli powder and salt, then it is mind blowing.
But it is okay to take some but do not eat more than you afford to loss. I mean more salt means more trouble. So take minimum salt in your diet. And i have green chillies as well and i will use it in tomato chatni tomorrow.
So if you really enjotyed this post do a share on facebook, whatsapp, twitter , instagram or any other social media you want. Take care b bye. ♥♥♥
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