A Letter to my younger self

in GEMS3 years ago

Dear Sajjad,

As I have reached thirty years of age I wanted to write something to you about my life experiences that I have learned in the past 10 or maybe 20 years. First of all, I would like to start my letter with a quote from Steve Jobs who says >Stay hungry, Stay Foolish> I had heard this line when I was in my early 20s but at that time this quote did not influence my mind and it just disappeared like a drop of water in front of the fire. At that time the fire was my friends, my bad routine, my life without plans, and everything was unpredictable. I believe at your age everyone's life is very unpredictable as we just start to realize whatever we have been taught is not working in the practical world.

Since you have just started your university I want to advise you to try to learn concepts by comparing them with the real world by doing so you will never forget those things unlike us who were just learning for the sake of passing exams. During your university days, I want you to participate in extracurricular activities as these can make you uncomfortable but you will learn to develop confidence that will help you throughout your life. Since we are living in a very fast-paced life and things are changing more quickly than our course curriculum so it is important for you to learn new courses. I know they are expensive but you can find them online free of cost and instead of spending your time with friends who distract you from your goals I want you to learn new skills which will help you when you start your professional life in a company.

Sajjad, we live in social life so you will definitely meet people.. some are good people who motivate you, their presence makes your mood happy but there are also some people who are pessimistic and who will always let you down so always spend time with people who motivate you, believe in you and helps you to achieve your goal in life. Since we are entering our adulthood, we will be meeting the love of our life so I must warn you that there will be some breakups, there will be memories that you will cherish when some special people will not be around you but you need to move on and do not let these events to affect your ultimate life goals.

Today, I was enjoying this rainy weather and was missing my time when I was twenty I was a young energetic guy who made some mistakes and learned from them and I want you to make mistakes so you can also learn from them because mistakes are our best teachers.

I want to share with you some photos of this rainy weather and I hope you enjoyed reading my letter.


