The other week I was taking my wife to the carucieña maternity hospital, unfortunately something happened with the vehicle and it suddenly turned off, but when I noticed the battery light I understood that the only strap had come loose, the which moves the alternator and the water system and the steering, so I had to stop and check.
It turns out that one of the screws that hold the alternator broke, which caused the single belt to come off, so I had to call a niece to come and help me, and thank God she was free, so I was able to count on her and she came with her boyfriend to help me.
Of course we had to tow the car because the screw is very long and not easy to get and it was too late, but the important thing is that I didn't lose the strap, so I kept it, and at home I managed to lift the car. and take out the screw that broke and go buy it.
My friend Cristian accompanied me, although the sun was quite strong, but it was the opportunity and the time I had because you already know that I have many things to do at home, if you have read my previous posts, since I did not have much money, I could not buy one of steel since it costs more than 10 dollars, so I bought a normal one, but I bought 2 to have as an emergency in case it happens again.
Although I hope not, and what also happened is that the last time I fixed the water hose that goes to the pump, I had to lower the alternator to reach the hose, so I think that when I raised it again I did not tighten it properly. and the vibrations ended up breaking the screw.
La otra semana andaba llevando a mi esposa para la maternidad de la carucieña, lamentablemente algo ocurrio con el vehiculo y fue que se me apago de pronto, pero al notar el testigo de luz de la bateria entendi que se habia soltado la correa unico, la cual mueve el alternador y el sistema del agua y la direccion, por lo que me toco deternerme a revisar.
Resulta que se me rompio uno de los tornillos que sujetan el alternador, lo cual hizo que la correa unica se desprendiera, asi que tuve que llamar a una sobrina para que me vienese a auxiliar, y gracias a Dios estaba libre, por lo que pude contar con ella y vino con el novio a auxiliarme.
Por supuesto que tuvimos que remolcar el carro porque el tornillo es muy largo y no se consigue tan facilmente y a parte que ya era tarde, pero lo importante es que la correa no la perdi, asi que la guarde, ya en casa logre levantar el carro y sacar el tornillo que se rompio e ir a comprarlo.
Me acompaño mi amigo Cristian, aunque el sol estaba bastante fuerte pero era la oportunidad y el tiempo que tenia porque ya saben que tengo muchas ocupaciones en casa, si han leido mis post anteriores, como no contaba con mucho dinero, no podia comprar uno de acero ya que supera los 10 dolares, asi que compre uno normal, pero me compre 2 para tener de emergencia en caso de que vuelva a pasar.
Aunque espero que no, y ademas lo que sucedio es que la ultima vez que arregle la manguera del agua que da con la bomba, tuve que bajar el alternador para llegar a la manguera, asi que pienso que al subirlo de nuevo no lo aprete bien y las vivraciones terminaron rompiendo el tornillo.
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I hope this replacement last longer than the last one. Maintenance of cars are really not an easy thing. Glad your cousin was able to get to you before it’s dark, I once got into similar situation and it was really scary but I later got help late into the night
Hello friend, thanks for commenting, you know? I am in Venezuela and the situation has led me to repair the car myself, so I have saved money but the mechanics are not easy, even the box once I lower it, to change disc, press and collar and it is really complicated, but the satisfaction you feel when achieving it is incredible, in fact it helps you have more confidence in knowing what problem your car may have. And know what it can do. Yes, vehicles really require maintenance and care!
That’s amazing. You definitely saved yourself a lot of money by doing it yourself. I hope to be able to fix mine when I get one in the future