There is something unique about the human species in that, we have always been seekers and explorers and it is something that truly separates us from the rest of the millions of species on our planet.
Our numerous inventions and discoveries stand testament to the fact that we are in constant pursuit of knowledge and answers to an infinite number of questions. In a way, it is a quest that will never end because there will always be the next question.
But it hasn’t only been the physical nature of things that have intrigued us but even the rather philosophical ones related to the abstract nature of things and we have found time and again that these are the more difficult ones to answer.
Many great thinkers throughout history have pondered upon these and have provided their own thoughts on several of them but there are some questions that just don’t want to be answered! One of them relates to our purpose here on Earth as a species.
My Thoughts On This
My beliefs on this topic keep on evolving (no pun intended) the more people’s views I am able to understand.
Sometimes when I see how intricately the universe and everything in it, right down to the structure of a flower, seems to ‘designed’, I can’t help but wonder if there is a grand designer and if that is true, might we have a purpose of being here? I mean, why design something without any purpose, right?
Then there are times when I think that the existence of life on Earth might have been instigated by an advanced alien civilization who might have a purpose in mind for us. This might sound too ‘out there’ but my mind dwells on it sometimes.
At other times I feel like that there is no grand purpose and life can be whatever we want it to be, to choose your own purpose in life. That way, our free will is respected and we have something to work towards.
It is a difficult question to answer, I think there are as many answers as there are people. Some will have similar answers, as a group people may be able to come together and find a purpose that fills the group idea, but will it ever really fit the individual idea. Each persons has a different purpose in their life it seems. For some it is seeking love, money, health, power; for others it is seeking revenge, violence, that which is held by others.
Purpose and Meaning to me are two divergent things and are not necessarily the same, and defining either of them for self is not an easy thing to do, and as you mentioned will change over time as we grow in our life and our thought processes, and as new information is gathered.
I think you nailed it with this statement: "I think there are as many answers as there are people". :)