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RE: Today's dream: Someone built a town for me?? Also a bat, magic and computer parts.

in GEMS3 years ago

amazing, you own whole town! If you are lucid, you could return there and be mayor or even benevolent dictator of it :)


Well, my lucidy track record is not very good! As soon as I become lucid, the first thing I think of is "what can I explode?", and have committed quite a few massacres in my dreams. The last one was like a year ago, and I was flying above an enormous expanse of land, and it was quite a beautiful scenery, so I made cracks appear and it exploded as if the whole valley were the tip of a volcano. I also blew up a futuristic police station (with cops inside o.o).

If I were to become lucid in such a town, ehhh, I'm not sure they'd be very safe, or that I'd be benevolent anything.

I really don't know how to stay lucid, or even asleep after I become lucid. I have no way to stay in control. So, I just enjoy the few seconds I have because I know I'm waking up very soon.