Sweet Moments with Coffee ☕ 📙

in GEMS3 years ago

Hello everyone,

Today I want to share little moments I had with some delicious coffee over the past 2 days. I’ve been a heavy coffee-drinker until I had to undergo some dental operations in the past 2-3 months. After all operations, I had to avoid hot and cold drinks for several weeks as my gums and teeth were sensitive - and that includes coffee!

Although it was upsetting to learn at first that I had to stay away from my favorite drink for such a long time, I got used to not drinking coffee after some time. I even started to think of this as a good detox opportunity for my body because I had always struggled with my heavy consumption of caffeine. Whenever my caffeine consumption went crazy and I wanted to cut caffeine off for a while, I always failed. I would not drink coffee for maximum of 3-4 days and then I would return to it even stronger than before.

That’s why, although all the painful months of operations and post-operation struggles, I feel good about at least this caffeine detox. Since I saw that I could survive without coffee for many days and even months, I will definitely try to lessen my consumption from now on.

I was finally allowed to drink coffee at the start of this week, so I went straight to a coffee shop after my dentist appointment. I ordered myself a cup of Cappuccino and enjoyed the afternoon in this nice cafe working on some tasks on my Ipad.


While I was sitting there, the waitress brought me another cup of coffee, this time a Flat White, though I didn’t order it. She told me that someone ordered it but then left the cafe before it was prepared, so it was untouched. She kindly left the cup on my table and said that it was for me and free. It was a really nice coincidence and I felt like it was the perfect day for an unexpected cup of free coffee!


The day after, I woke up and decided to have some croissants for the breakfast. I never tasted a real croissant so I was quite curious about how it would taste. To accompany the croissants, I brewed myself a cup of fresh filter coffe and enjoyed the novel I had just bought the day before. After several years, I finally feel in the mood of reading novels instead of self-improvement types of books, so I’m excited to give a chance to this novel by my favorite novelist.


It feels so good to be able to enjoy coffee again!


Greeting friend

Bu hayattaki keyiflerden bir tanesi kahve keyfidir . Özellikle çok güzel bir ortam da ise paha biçilemez anılar bırakır insanda ..🌟🌟 sende de güzel anılar bıraktığı için çok mutluyum 🙏 bu anılarla bizlere güzel yazılar yazdığın içinde çok teşekkürler ☺️

Teşekkür ederim güzel yorumunuz için :) !