My Unfortunate Day as a Photographer

in GEMS5 years ago

Hello Hivians, sorry I haven’t been active for a while now, I’ve been going through some issues but I’m fine now. I was unfortunate with the shoot I had yesterday with a model of dxc modeling management.

2zfzk3.jpg)and was down for the shoot which we scheduled at yesterday. Well I needed some equipments(backdrop stand, a bigger reflector) that I didn’t have and some props(set of flowers , a big mirror, a net, and also an hat) too, I reached out to another photographer to enquire about the stand and he told me he had lended someone else unfortunately but asked when I needed it that he probably could collect it and lend me to use for the shoot and return it back when I’m done and I told him yesterday which he said he would get it for me, I asked him about the reflector, unfortunately he didn’t have a big size. Well for the props we tried to get everything but we could only get the mirror and net tho we couldn’t take the mirror to the location cause it was really heavy and there was no ride to take us there, we had to use motorcycle which was expensive and could only accommodate two passengers and no load at all. We eventually found an alternate prop tho.So few weeks ago, I had reached out to the model, sending him the mood board(that I got from Pinterest) for the shoot and sharing some ideas I had outside the mood board. He liked the mood board( here it is: ![po1p7r.jpg](

Well we scheduled the shoot for 1pm the model arrived at my place by few minutes to 3 cause he was standing at the ATM machine queue to withdraw money of which he was debited but wasn’t paid his money due to some technical issues with the machine so when he came over and explained it to me we went to try another machine and we were able to withdraw after 30 minutes of waiting on the queue. I was excited that I was going to create my best images but I never knew it was going to be my worst day ever as a photographer.

So we got to the house of the other photographer that was to lend us the equipments and he eventually told us that he couldn’t collect it from the person he lended and the one he has with him is quite manageable and I asked him to bring it out that I would manage it unfortunately for me I couldn’t cause when we tried setting up in the location it kept falling even before the model could get ready to dress and pose. I could barely take a picture of the backdrop or the behind the scenes of the setup cause the backdrop wasn’t even balancing well and it was just me and the model at the scene no other assistant, I was really sad to be honest

So we wrapped up the equipment q9dzl6.jpgi0lpmn.jpgand decided to try out something different, here is the before; 0pd4xl.jpgabpxbq.jpgzc4mny.jpgdon’t mind that smile, I was literally unhappy but I didn’t want my model to feel like we were wasting our time
Here’s the after: bcy53j.jpg3s7ae9.jpgand that’s how we wrapped up the shoot in that location before we moved unto another location would share the images in the next post, stay tuned.

I should this images with my canon 1100d and 50mm 1.8 and edited it in photoshop cc2015