It's July 3rd 2016 Bitcoin is trading on $673 Halving in next week

in GEMS5 years ago

Today I read a tweet which really impresses me and me at once start thinking about the Bitcoin halving which is roughly expected in next week. The Tweet was like thrilling news which was announced by someone behind the camera and you only listen to its voice and never seen the actual scene.

The tweet which was tweeted by @pierre_rochard
"It's July 3rd 2016 Bitcoin is trading at $673 the halving is in one week What do you do?"

And then everyone watched what happened in next week. I do remember the person (a programmer) who purchased two large Papa John's pizzas for 10000 BTC on 22 May 2010.
This was Organized on bitcointalk forum, the Florida man reached out for help.
What will be his expression and thinking now? "I don't believe it " I am sure this will be his first sentence which he might be spoken in December 2017. And the 10000BTC worth was only $30 in May 2010.

Laszlo Hanyecz was not only who was considering Bitcoin like bubble there were and there are millions of people who don't believe yet. So let's watch the next halving and I am sure as the previous halving this time we will see more wonders.

Now I have Tweeted again

" It's May 5th 2020
Bitcoin is trading at $8,858
The #halving is in one week
What do you do?"