My Day: Wedding and My Garden

in GEMS5 years ago

I woke up quite late because it's getting cold here now due to the rains. Still, I need to prepare our breakfast so I have to get up and do my chores. I had my breakfast first before going out to check my garden.

I was very happy to look at my garden because the flowers are blooming very well. It's my stress reliever especially when I get tired of my household chores. I capture pictures of them because their beauty don't last long. Time will come they will dry up so better take snapshots. You can check some below.








After having some time in my garden, I prepared our lunch, and after eating, I prepared so I can attend the wedding of my friend. The wedding will be held through Zoom because I couldn't go to their house where the wedding was held.

The wedding was successful, and I am happy for her. We used to be very close, and I even vacationed in her place last December.


That's her months before her wedding. She's still single the last time I saw her, and married when we'll see each other again. I actually loved their love story watching the video presentation during their wedding. Congratulations my friend.