Wherever you look, there is only despair and frustration, it seems that the whole city is drowning in despair, the people of this city are drowning. But even in the midst of it, a man from somewhere is dreaming with the hope of survival.I think in order to live well, one's own goodwill is enough and the needs have to be minimized.
People now have two worlds because now the digital age is one is one's own personal life and one is the virtual world.But now I think people prefer the virtual world to their personal life, but it has become a human habit.I've also seen people frustrated in real life and frustrated in the virtual world because they've merged two lives together.I think first of all the difference between the two worlds should be understood very well.Personal life I think is the most important thing because you can see what's going on around here and share opinions with everyone. This is the most important thing to get rid of your frustration.But for those who prefer the virtual world to personal life, I will say only one thing, because in the virtual world, nothing can be seen properly, as long as it can be seen on the Internet, it can only be seen temporarily, but the events behind it There is no way to know.So there is not much to see here.
You may have a lot of trouble in your personal life but the virtual life is full of freedom. You can do whatever you want here but it is not right to be abused here and it is wise to maintain good relations with everyone here.The biggest thing is that in both lives there are many hardships and big needs in the way of personal and virtual life, but in both our lives we need to reduce the needs and desires and be patient, then it is possible to get rid of frustration.
However, don't get immersed in this city of despair, try to increase your goodwill and do good deeds. One day you will get rid of despair from your life, whether it is in your personal life or in the virtual world, you just have to be patient and do good deeds.