in GEMS4 years ago
Authored by @tripode

Welcome to our daily activity report of the SMILE server, specifically with the tags #smi-le and #energyrefill. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.

If you want to participate in our activities, visit our discord: https://discord.gg/d47KyHB

Autor: @elblogdearly
[ESP-ENG]¿Atraigo lo que quiero? - Am I attracting what I want?
Te has puesto alguna vez a pensar por que no estas atrayendo cosas buenas a tu vida? o por qué no estas donde quieres estar, teniendo lo que quieres tener? >Have you ever thought about why you are not attracting good things to your life? or why you are not where you want to be, having what you want to have?

· No me alcanza el dinero, mi carro es viejo quiero otro, mi teléfono es

Autor: @huesos

Entrada al Concurso de microcuentos sobre vampiros y criaturas similares | La bestia pálida del plenilunio [ESP-ENG]

«Nadie más que una mujer puede ayudar a un hombre cuando tiene problemas de corazón.»

—Bram Stoker

Si nos toca hablar sobre las mejores obras de la literatura gótica, la novela Drácula, de Bram Stoker, debe ser nombrada inexorablemente. Asimismo, si nos toca hablar sobre vampiros, ese título viene también al pensamiento.

Autor: @soyalex

(ESP/ENG) Deliciosa merienda, Poción de amor | Delicious snack, Love Potion

Hola gente hermosa de mi comunidad de comida el día de hoy les mostrare como preparo un delicioso batido para las meriendas de mi casa, son unos batidos sencillos de preparar, tenemos que ponerle ese toque de amor cuando se trata de consentir a alguien que queremos mucho, en mi caso consentí a mi esposo a mi princesa y a mi, me gusta realizar cosas sencillas y sin complicación, que las personas que me sigan,

Autor: @zanoz

The Brain ~ The Most Essential Part Of Man's Totality

The brain is one of the most essential organs which carries out all calculations, arithmetical or logical through our whole life, the brain acts mostly on objects seen then objects thought of.

Over-stressing the brain is risky, that's why no human should deal with too much thinking.

Autor: @edystringz

Did you know that braiding your hair is an art?

I went to school yesterday and a friend admired my hair. Then he said, I should take a photo, write about it, and tag him……hehhehehehee. So this post is dedicated to him.

For some time now, one of the things I put my money into is my hair.

Autor: @princessbusayo


Image source

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "MOTIVATION"? Let me start by saying that "there's no one who could do something on his or her own without being motivated"
At least something would prompt you to doing something you had wanted to do or perhaps it's something that drives you to do that thing in particular.

Autor: @merit.ahama

A Nagging Mother

Mothers are always appreciated for the pain they go through to birth a child and love the child unconditionally. They bear all the pain their children give to them, they want the best for their children and they always want to protect their children from harm.
Autor: @blezyn



Isn't it strange how one single event can change the entire course of a person's life? Sometimes we make some choices and we see the effect of the decision we just made.

When the effect is positive we automatically assume if we hadn’t made a particular choice it would not have ended well.

Autor: @brujita18

My Beautiful Cat Aurora (Eng/Esp)


To our family life came as a gift, our first cat to raise, in this case a very beautiful kitten that when I saw her with her so tender face, at once came to my mind the name Aurora and we all agreed at home.

Special thanks to:

Thanks for the help of the @aliento project

Powered by sponsor @elcomentador

Give some cool vote for Witty thing.

#thoughtfuldailypost by @wesphilbin

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All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.


Felicitaciones a los detacados @elblogdearly, @huesos, @soyalex, @zanoz, @edystringz, @princessbusayo, @merit.ahama, @blezyn y @brujita18 siempre aportando buenos trabajos. @cwow2, @starstrings01 y @tripode realizando una trabajo de curación y apoyo.

Congratulations to the detacados @elblogdearly, @huesos, @soyalex, @zanoz, @edystringz, @princessbusayo, @merit.ahama, @blezyn and @brujita18 always contributing good work. @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode doing healing and support work.

Oh thank you very much ma'am

Congratulations to you too


Thank you so much