The Need For Consciousness Reawakening

in GEMS3 years ago

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The history of hitherto all existing society is the history of class struggle. This was clear in the mind of Karl Marx who believes the injustice between the have and the have not can only be solved wakening the consciousness of the have not.

Bearing this is mind, it is clear that there is a class difference in every society. It doesn't matter whether the society is developed or underdeveloped.

There is an element of Bourgeoise and proletariat in every existing society. While this is clearly evident in one state than the other, it doesn't deny the fact that there is such a class struggle.

While the essence of this writeup is not to insinuating anything, it is just to call on everyone to be consciously awakened to the happenings and political situations around them.

There is no gainsaying in the obvious fact that if the educated, enlightened and well equipped individuals fail to aspire political posts or try to be in government offices, the illiterate, unenlightened will rule over them.

This is true about today's political realities. Though not for all countries but for some. This is more reason we have to be aware and be awakened so as to reduce this trend and change the narratives.

There is a need for the well enlightened and well schooled to be in political offices. The simple reason is that whatever rule/law enacted affects everybody whether educated or not.

It is misconception to assume that a law made in a state or country wont affect you because you are wealthy or independent. Voting or participant in electoral processes is a right.

As such, it means we must exercise it legally and lawfully. The law of a state recognise every lawful citizen as a rightful candidate to aspire for any political post.

This is more reason we need to stop being apolitical in our various states. It simply shows we are disenfranchising ourselves.

It is the simple logic if one fails to exercise that right the law gave you.

We all should stand up and be the change we dream of. A dream remains a dream if no action is taken. A dream because reality only after a step is taken.

Ponder on it and be politically aware and conscious.

Thanks for your time.
I'm @smyle


And, we can be politically aware and choose nit to follow the current laws which mostly support #massmurder, and instead join and support and move forward current decentralised systems with #fractalgovernance!

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