Luna - [En] Moon | First week of May

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

La semana del 4 al 9 de mayo, la luna se mostró en algunas de sus fases, ya que la mayor parte del tiempo el cielo estaba cubierto por nubes y no se lograba observar con claridad.

Las fotografías que capture, fueron realizadas en distintas horas de la noche y de las seis noches, solo tres de ellas logré capturar imágenes claras.

Feliz inicio de semana para todos.




[En] During the week of May 4-9, the moon was shown in some of its phases, since most of the time the sky was covered by clouds and it was not possible to observe it clearly.

The photographs I captured were taken at different times of the night and of the six nights, only three of them managed to capture clear images.

Enjoy the week.

All photographs are taken with a Canon EOS Rebel T2i camera
© All Rights Reserved.
Coimbra, Portugal.


Very beautiful captures @sol25

Thank you so much :)