Mixed Media Wall Art - Mother Earth at Harvest Time

in GEMSlast year

This is my interpretation of Mother Nature in Autumn.

The harvest season.
Time when we saw what we reap.
Time to enjoy the results of our hard work throughout the year so far.
Time to take a short break and relax.
I love this season, it's so inspiring!

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As you can see in the photo, I used a lot of elements that I bought in craft stores, and I glued them on a sunken wooden frame, I call these frames "deep dish" LOL. It looks like a tray, that's why.

It sound easy, but it was extremely challenging. I had to come up with lots of ideas to improve the positions of the elements, like props! I used pieces of wood, paper, styrofoam, plastic, etc. The head is Styrofoam, I bought a whole head (full size) and cut it in half, to be able to glue it on the tray. Than I painted it with a beautiful bronze sheen.

What glue I used? All types and lots of it! From school glue to glue gun sticks, to crazy glue and cement. It's sturdy, I assure you. And you know what? It's not heavy, I am using a regular nail on the wall, it hangs perfectly.

Here's a short video I posted on Youtube. I hope you like my creation. Lots of my followers on FB loved it!

Well... working on Halloween stuff now. Will post soon, enjoy the season!


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