in GEMS4 years ago

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Hello everyone, we all know how tough it can be to begin here as a newbie on hive. So here is a initiative I will be doing to support the ones who need some help.

This support involves participating newbies to build their accounts and solve some beginner issues with resource credits, questions and knowledge about Hive or converting HBD to Hive.

Each month I will choose 5 newbies who would be interested in partaking in this initiative and consistently monitoring their growth.

NOTE: Those who I categorize as newbies are those with reputation lesser than 60 and HP lower than 500.


Visit the SMILE Discord server, then paste your hive introductory post link in the #newbie-introductory-posts channel. Then contact me or any of the admins (sensei) directly in the #newbie-chat channel.



Hola a todos, todos sabemos lo difícil que puede ser empezar aquí como un novato en Hive. Así que aquí hay una iniciativa que haré para apoyar a los que necesiten ayuda.

Este apoyo permite que los participantes construyan sus cuentas y resuelvan algunos problemas de con créditos de recursos, preguntas y conocimientos sobre Hive o la conversión del HBD.

Cada mes elegiré 5 newbies que estén interesados en participar en esta iniciativa y monitorearé su crecimiento.

NOTA: Aquellos que yo categorizo como novatos son aquellos con reputación menor a 60 y HP menor a 500.


Visita el servidor de SMILE Discord, y luego comparta el enlace de Hive en el canal de #newbie-introductory-posts. Luego contáctame a mí o a cualquiera de los administradores (Sensei) directamente en el canal #newbie-chat.

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--I would set you as 3% beneficiary of my post rewards, (this means you will earn 3% of everything that I earn) so you can earn some liquid hive in your wallet and grow faster.

--You would receive 50% of my autovote i.e $0.02+ on two publications you make daily, if so far my voting power isn't below 80%.

--You can ask anything you want about Hive or blogging related in our SMILE DISCORD SERVER in #newbies-chat under the "NEWBIES INITIATIVE" category.

--In completing these tasks, I will give 2 HBI units at the end of everyweek to each participating newbie. This is limited to those who successfully publish everyday in the week.

--You will have a quick growth in Hive Power.

--Get to know new authors and initiatives.


--Te pondría como beneficiario del 3% de mis recompensas, (esto significa que ganarás el 3% de lo que yo gane) para que puedas ganar algo de Hive y crecer más rápido.

--Recibirías el 50% de mi voto automático, más de 0,02+ en dos publicaciones que hagas diariamente, si mi poder de voto no está por debajo del 80%.

--Puedes preguntar lo que quieras sobre Hive o sobre el blog en nuestro SERVIDOR DE DISCORD SMILE en #newbies-chat bajo la categoría "NEWBIES INITIATIVE".

--Al completar estas tareas, daré 2 unidades de HBI al final de cada semana a cada novato. Esto está limitado a aquellos que publiquen exitosamente todos los días de la semana.

--Vas a notar un crecimiento de Hive Power.

--Conocerás a nuevos autores e iniciativas.

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--Set your rewards to 100% Hive Power in order to build the account and solve the issue with resource credits. I will explain how that can be done if you don´t know.

--Participating newbies are expected to publish everyday, at least one post a day. This is very possible to attain, that's why I would recommend joining The 30 Days Blogging Challenge hosted by The Blogging Challenge Community which would help to achieve the goal of daily blogging on Hive.

--Posts made by participating newbies are advised to be shared in the SMILE DISCORD SERVER in #newbies-posts under the "NEWBIES INITIATIVE" category in which newbies can engage with each other by commenting on shared posts. I will be on the look out for healthy comments and supporting them either through upvotes or tips via @peakd tipping system.


--Configura tus recompensas al 100% de Hive para construir la cuenta y resolver el problema con créditos de recursos. Te explicaré cómo hacerlo si no lo sabes.

--Se espera que los novatos publiquen todos los días, al menos un artículo por día. Esto es muy posible de lograr, por eso te recomendaría unirte a The 30 Days Blogging Challenge auspiciado por The Blogging Challenge Community lo que ayudaría a lograr el objetivo de bloguear diariamente en Hive.

--Los posts hechos por los newbies se aconseja que sean compartidos en el SERVIDOR DE DISCORD SMILE en #newbies-posts bajo la categoría "NEWBIES INITIATIVE" en la que los novatos pueden participar comentando los mensajes. Estaré atento a comentarios y los apoyaré ya sea a través de upvotes o consejos a través del sistema de tips @peakd.

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What is HBI?

It is an incentive fund that gives a lifetime vote to the basic income organization. The more HBI you have, the better the vote. You can't buy them for yourself, the only way to get them is to receive them from others or buy them for others. When you buy them, you get the same amount in return. It's like paying in advance.

If you want to know more about this you can review this post: HBI basics.

¿Qué es HBI?

Es un fondo de incentivos que da un voto de por vida de la organización de ingresos básicos. Cuanto más HBI tengas, mejor será el voto. No se puede comprar para uno mismo, la única manera de obtenerlos es recibiéndolos de otros o comprándolos para otros. Cuando los compras, obtienes la misma cantidad a cambio. Algo así como pagarlo por adelantado.

Si quieres saber más sobre esto puedes revisar este post: HBI basics.

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Click the banner to get redirect to Blogging Challenge Community

Click the banner to get redirect to SMILE server, or:


All illustrations made by @tripode in Adobe Illustrator.

All images in this post are mine except otherwise stated







Superb initiative... This will be very helpful for those whose posts get unnoticed... I think if you re-blog posts with exemplary contents that didn't get enough votes, then maybe some curators and other people will notice too... a lot of people read your contents and will hear you out if you promote

Lol.. I hope it is true that a lot of people read my contents. Thanks for the comments, I hope I get to help a lot of newbies.

I noticed you entered my criteria of newbies. Feel free to give it a try if you are in need of any support. I would appreciate if you reblog this post. Thanks 🙂

well I know I try to read yours whenever possible... yes I too am a newbie... it's been almost 33 days since I joined and this is one of the things that I have faced is that it's never certain how much a newbie's post will be responded to.. often times it's even hard to earn a dollar... and at this point any support helps... thank you so much

My pleasure... I would be very much happy to have you in the SMILE discord server:

A nice initiative for newbies.
Thumbs up

Thanks so much...

It's really a great Initiative and I appreciate your love for those who are new on board.
What about users with less than 500hp but have reputation higher than 60, are they eligible or not?

I'll look into it, it depends on the number of people that apply. If there are limited people then I can select those users.

Alright, but will the old users also write an introductory post?

Not needed, just take the old introductory post then paste it.

Alright. Thanks for the guide

My pleasure...

You know i am a sucker for newbies and for people who are starting here. So this is a great initiative and also to see someone who was a redfish himself now paying it forward to all that are new now. Good luck

Lol... You are a wonderful sucker who brought up a newbie like me. Thanks for everything 🙂.

Awesome initiative my friend!! And a great help for newbies!!

Thanks so much... A hug 🤗🤗

This is an awesome initiative, my friend! What a great idea to help beginners on their Hive journey! I hope that people will take this offer and dive into all the good things that Hive brings...

Made in Canva

@thisisawesome Moderator

This post is AWESOME!

It will therefore get a manual 100% upvote from @thisisawesome (will be done today), for the Awesome Daily Highlights in category CTPtalk, we give out 1 such vote in that category per day, plus 4 more in other categories, and your post will also be featured in today's Awesome Daily Curation report for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem and the CTPtalk tribe by rewarding it".


Yeah, thanks really for the reply. I thought of it that since I earn pretty good rewards on my publication. It would be nice to pass the love to help others with it.

Wicked awesome idea, @starstrings01! Be sure to tag me or @hiveblogshare on Twitter again if any of your newbies share their posts - I'd be happy to help spread the word!

Wow.. I am so glad to receive your support. I will do exactly as you said. Thanks so much 😊🤗🤗

Increíble, ya voy a participar!!!

Impressive cøntribution towards the hive community. Am sure Hive's got you on the radar!

Thanks a lot brother. I see you acting as one of the Men In Black observing what's going on around.

Lolzzz😂😂😂You are the third person saying such to me today. Although the other two isn't here on hive. What can I say, just trying to catch up and fit back in.

Wow, This is such an awesome initiative and I can't wait to interact with other newbies. But I do have a little problem. Earlier today when I was in the smile discord room, I noticed they weren't interacting with English and I wanted to ask why is that?. As for the blogging challenge, I am glad I found that earlier today as well when I was exploring the platform and I have even made my first blogging challenge post.
I will go and submit my two posts already in the smile discord channel. I am in for the initiative, it could really be helpful

Yeah, there are a lot of Spanish people in the community. That is because Spanish people have a stronger force on Hive than any other community.

Thanks for the clarification

Wowww... I'm already blessed to have crossed path with you and I'm happy that I'm seeing this post because everything you wrote here seems as if they are pointing towards my direction and I will never miss this opportunity.

I don't know if it's advisable for me to go ahead and create my introductory post at the moment or, are we going to start as a group for the January badge of newbies?

I look forward to being a beneficiary of this initiative

I think I have actually given you a clue for how to make the introductory post. To partake in this, both introductory post and participation post is needed which I would use to analyze if you truly understand the requirements of the initiative.