$26 GIVEAWAY for everyone !! | Just Give Your Thoughts ON The Current CRYPTO Situation :)

in GEMS5 years ago

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Hey Guys,

I'm back here with another video for you all and this one is gonna be an interesting one :)

Do drop your OPINIONS below :)

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I'll Be Back with another one soon :)

Thanks for stopping by :)

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Well, I don't have much knowledge about this aspect but if we do look at the trends of previous years then we would see some growth again this year after the fall we are witnessing this time.

Let's see what we are upto now :)

Thanks for bringing this up !

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and participating :)

Excellent inititative mate !

What I feel about the current scenario is that it's gonna be like what it is for a while and will definitely rise up again to a newer height just what happens after every bull run, the market gets low and stays like that for a while and out of nowhere it shoots up !

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and participating :)

Hey buddy !

thanks for bringin such an innovative conversation up !!

Well if you ask me that, then I would say that this is one of the ebst times to be holding onto some currencies as it has happened in almost all the times, slowly and steadily the rpices will again shoot up again but will take some patience.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and participating :)

first of all thanks for this initiative that allow us to share our thoughts about the current crypto process. I am not an expert but I feel like there is no bull coming to this year and the BTC price also not going to be 5k .. as per me, prices are going to be normal with little ups and downs. Thank you.Hi @steemer-sayu907

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Looking at this situation I can say that this is not new things and it keeps on happening from time to time. I dont expect the price to the moon and at the same time its not going to crash badly. price dip of $1k is not new for me and there have been many instances like this. Thanks for this nice initiative to get the opinions and use this opportunity nicely. Thanks

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Hi brother!
To be honest I am very optimistic taking everything that is related with my life.
Also very optimistic taking this crypto price.. within 2 year I have seen lots of ups and down in crypto..(mostly decreasing price)
Recently I have also seen some coins which have gone up to 2800 times above their price.
So I can say then we have to need more patience..
One day will come when we will get some good stage of crypto price..
Anyway, before entering the crypto world, we must understand that it is a long term investment which requires more patience.
Have a sweet Sunday..

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and participating :)

patience is a virtue... many small victories normally work out to be better than one large victory...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and participating :)

Based on your video feedback I understand that now the market rate in the market is low or down but it may come from normal level it may be down now social media net or online business is like this we think when we work online we wake up After going to bed again, I see another day's activities, whatever it is, today it may be like this, tomorrow it may be different again, this is normal, but today the market may be less, next week the rate may be higher, this is my idea. Thank you for giving me this beautiful video.

As someone who hasn't lived through a bull run I sure hope we get one this year but alas, I'm rather certain we're not there yet, but also know that it's only a matter of time until moon we reach.

On the plus side it gives more time to accumulate.

On the downside it leads to low and lowering morale across crypto communities.

Oh well, guess the bulls will taste much sweeter when they finally show up.