I was confused and had nothing
The beautiful parable that Christ gave about one lost sheep, about the shepherd who left the ninety-nine to go looking for the lost, illustrates the work of Christ, the condition of the sinner, and the joy of the universe for the salvation of the soul. The shepherd did not look lazily at the sheep, and said, "I have ninety-nine, and it would cause so much difficulty to go looking for the lost sheep; let him return, and I will open the cage door so that he may come in; but I cannot go to look for it. "
No, not long after the sheep was lost the shepherd's face was filled with sadness and anxiety. He counted and counted back the flock, and when he was certain that one sheep was lost, he could not sleep. He left the ninety-nine in the cage, and no matter how dark and how strong the storm was that night, no matter how dangerous or unpleasant the road was, no matter how long and boring the work was, he did not feel tired, he did not change, until the sheep lost it found.
And after being found, he put the sheep which had been exhausted and on his shoulder, and with gratitude that was full of excitement because the search was not in vain, he brought the lost back to the stable. His gratitude is expressed by songs of joyous joy, then he invites his friends and neighbors, saying to them, Rejoice with me, for I have found the lost lamb ”(Luke 15: 6).
So when the lost Shepherd is found by the Great Shepherd, the angels in heaven welcome the Shepherd's joyful preaching. When the lost are found, heaven and earth unite in thanksgiving and joy. There is joy in heaven because of one repentant sinner, more than joy because ninety-nine righteous people do not need repentance ”(Luke 15: 7).
I'm @stefaniehouston, I don't want them in my place to know who I am, but for sure I am a sheep that wants to come back.
I look forward to @appreaciator, @rocky1,@upmewhale,Can help and support me, so I can show them that I have relatives besides them.
I love the parable of the lost sheep. Thanks.