En el largo dia de trabajo que tuve hoy, no pude sino tener estrés sin mas, ilusionado por los clientes que supuestamente " vienen a comprar", mentira!!, solo pasan a probar, tocar con sus manos carentes de pulcritud, solo para ensuciar mi mercancía y volverla invendible y para mas descaro pasan pidiendo precios mínimos y rebajados cuando ni siquiera van a llevar nada, cuando la situación no da para estar rebajando la mercancía ya que el arriendo y los servicios no bajan , todo lo contrario, suben descaramente, esta situación solo me genera problemas con mi patrón, el cual exige resultados a pesar que, debería ser consciente de la actual situación, en lugar de eso, solo consigo retirarme a mi hogar alquilado , con un cansancio atros y una amenaza de despido por parte de mi jefe, solo para querer llegar y descansar en mi colchon de segunda mano tendido en el piso con unas sabanas viejas que almenos me cubren del frio, añorando que el dia de mañana sea mejor .
Un dia entre lo normal en mi turno, clientes entran y salen del establecimiento como si de liquidacion de mercancia se tratase, las ventas este dia ni buenas ni malas pero almenos lo suficientemente buenas para quitarme de la nuca los reclamos de mi jefe y que este se mantenga distraído momentáneamente , sin embargo atender al cliente siempre ha sido complicado, claro no en todos los casos, sin embargo nunca falta el cliente que en su poco juicio pelea y discute por cosas tan pequeñas que las hace ver como si fueran grandes, un llamado desesperado de atención tal vez ... aun así obligado estoy a atender y solucionar, fingiendo la mejor disposición y sonrisa falsa que pueda dar para solucionar y tranquilizar a esa clase de clientes, hasta lograr el cometido , finalizando el dia expreso a mi jefe que no hay excusas para no darme mi sueldo, bien ganado esta que aunque miserable sea me da para comer y pagar mi vida un dia mas en la sociedad, almenos tener la certeza que comere bien unos cuantos días con eso.
Mi ultima narrativa en esta complicada historia cotidiana, iniciando apenas mi dia de descansó feliz por fin poder descansar a gusto, hasta que suena mi condenado telefono y al revisar lo, como no es casualidad, una llamada mi jefe, requiriendo que fuera a depositar al banco un dinero del establecimiento, esta bien la confianza pero! ciertamente eso molesta usar me en mi dia de descanzo para eso, sin embargo acepto hacer el favor para llevar las cosas en bien , recibo el dinero y con mi bicicleta voy a realizar el deposito cuando empieza a llover, terminado el mandado la lluvia abrasiva se intensifica al punto de nublar la vista, para mi suerte en medio del camino un auto me choca por detras, cai rodando a un costado para que el auto no me llevara, mi bicicleta arrastrada un par de metros asta zafarse del caucho del auto, el conductor ni enterado o a lo mejor si , por hacer la maldad salio de acelerada perdiendo se en la lluvia, mi bicicleta destrozada en la calle y yo herido con una pierna adolorida por el golpe, a los minutos en medio de la lluvia paso una patrulla, los detuve y les dije lo sucedido pero al no tener mucha información por el rápido acontecer lo mas que pudieron hacer fue llevar me en la patrulla hasta mi sitio de trabajo, solo para escuchar las palabras de mi jefe decir "lo atropellaron? pero si pudo depositar la plata?" me hervía la sangre de solo escuchar lo, solo para luego decir me que no cubrirá los daños de mi bicicleta ni los gastos médicos que tenga que pasar por el accidente, pedí una ambulancia ya que la adrenalina se había acabado y el dolor se hacia mas presente , esta me llevo al hospital donde afortunadamente solo tenia contusiones y nada roto, después de eso renuncie a ese trabajo y guarde reposo hasta sanar, para luego buscar un nuevo empleo , que por lo menos reconozca mi esfuerzo.
Aunque no lo crean situaciones similares o iguales padecen muchos empleados independientemente de su cargo, por eso nunca se sabe con que demonios esta tratando cada persona dia a dia , solo podemos ser tolerantes y esforzarnos para obrar bien diariamente.
In the long day of work that I had today, I could not help but have stress without more, excited by the customers who supposedly "come to buy", lie!, they only go to try, touch with their hands lacking in neatness, just to dirty my merchandise and make it unsaleable and to make it even more impudence they go asking for minimum and discounted prices when they are not even going to take anything, when the situation does not allow them to be lowering the merchandise since the rent and services do not go down, on the contrary, they shamelessly go up, This situation only causes me problems with my employer, who demands results despite the fact that he should be aware of the current situation, instead of that, I only manage to retire to my rented home, with atrocious fatigue and a threat of dismissal from from my boss, just to want to get there and rest on my second-hand mattress lying on the floor with some old sheets that at least cover me from the cold, longing for tomorrow to be better.
One day between the normal in my shift, clients enter and leave the establishment as if it were a merchandise liquidation, the sales this day are neither good nor bad, but at least good enough to get my boss's claims off my neck and that this remain distracted momentarily, however serving the client has always been complicated, of course not in all cases, however there is never a lack of the client who in his poor judgment fights and argues over things so small that they make them look as if they were big, a Desperate call for attention perhaps ... even so I am obliged to attend and solve, faking the best disposition and false smile that I can give to solve and reassure that class of clients, until I achieve the task, ending the day I express to my boss that there are no excuses for not giving me my salary, well earned this one that although miserable it gives me to eat and pay for my life one more day in society, at least be sure that I will eat well some c a few days with that.
My last narrative in this complicated daily story, just starting my day of rest, happy to finally be able to rest at ease, until my damn phone rings and when I check it, as it is no coincidence, a call from my boss, requiring me to go to deposit the bank a money of the establishment, trust is good but! certainly that bothers to use me on my day off for that, however I agree to do the favor to take things well, I receive the money and with my bicycle I am going to make the deposit when it starts to rain, when the errand is finished the abrasive rain is it intensifies to the point of blurring my vision, luckily for me, in the middle of the road a car hit me from behind, I fell rolling to the side so that the car would not take me, my bicycle dragged a couple of meters until it broke free from the car's rubber, the The driver didn't even know about it, or maybe he did, because he was doing the evil thing, he accelerated, losing himself in the rain, my bicycle was destroyed in the street and I was injured with a sore leg from the blow. A few minutes later, in the middle of the rain, a patrol passed by. I stopped them and told them what had happened, but since I didn't have much information due to the rapid pace of events, the most they could do was take me to my workplace in the patrol car, only to hear the words of my boss saying "he was run over? I was able to deposit the money? My blood boiled just listening to it, only to later tell me that it will not cover the damage to my bicycle or the medical expenses that I have to go through due to the accident, I asked for an ambulance since the adrenaline had run out and the pain was getting more present, this one took me to the hospital where fortunately I only had bruises and nothing was broken, after that I resigned from that job and rested until I healed, and then look for a new job, which at least recognizes my effort.
Believe it or not, many employees suffer similar or equal situations regardless of their position, that's why you never know what the hell each person is dealing with day by day, we can only be tolerant and strive to do well daily.