People are advised to stay in their homes as much possible to avoid contracting the Covid-19 virus but as much as people wanted to stay home, some people are still needed to go out and help with fighting the virus. They are our health workers, the police and military, grocery staffs and workers needed for the rest of essential sectors to make our lives seem normal as much as possible despite this abnormality of living everyone is trapped in.
If you ask me of my situation right now, I would say I am fine. I don't go out (no quarantine pass lol) so I am most likely safe from the pandemic. However, my mind is still anxious thinking of my sister who needs to go out and work. She works at an electronic manufacturing factory in US which has shifted to manufacturing ventilators since the virus cases have blown up in their country. She told us that she is cautious and only goes out to work or when buying foods but that doesn't make me complacent especially when she mentioned that her husband doesn't take the virus precautions seriously.
Source: Pixabay
I am worried. Of course, it's still a blessing that she still goes to work and get paid. Not everyone are still getting paid or have their job at this difficult time. I am thankful and I also wish for her safety. She hasn't come home for 10 years. With thousands of miles apart and the Pacific Ocean between us, all we could do is pray for her safety and the country she is in.
My sister is a brave woman. I'm proud of her and she'll make it through the dangers around her.
(Ah, I shed a few tears writing this. She should consider coming home after the pandemic. I really miss her.)
Sad to read she hasn't come home in 10 years. Hope you see each other as soon as all this calms down, stay strong :)
Thank you.:)