Les presento a mis 2 nietos, Mis 2 tesoros. || I present to you my 2 grandchildren, my 2 treasures. [ESP-ENG]

in GEMS4 years ago

Mis Nietos!!

Soy abuela desde hace 7 años, mi primer nieto, el mayor, se llama Cristiano, un niño bien portado, desde más pequeño ha sido aplicado e investigador, aprendió a leer desde los 3 años y luego puso en práctica la escritura, nadie lo forzaba, preguntaba y le orientábamos, quería buscar el solo sus videos en la computadora, lo que le creó el interés de escribirlo el mismo, hasta el día de hoy mantiene esa personalidad de autodidacta, por supuesto con la ayuda de sus padres.

I have been a grandmother for 7 years, my first grandson, the oldest, is called Cristiano, a well behaved child, since he was younger he has been applied and investigated, he learned to read since he was 3 years old and then he put into practice the writing, nobody forced him, he asked and we oriented him, he wanted to look for his videos in the computer by himself, which created the interest in writing it himself, until today he maintains that personality of self-taught, of course with the help of his parents.

Vivimos juntos en casa, mi esposo, mi hija mi nieto mi yerno y yo. Lo he visto crecer y le he seguido cada paso, me enorgullece mucho como ha crecido.

We live together at home, my husband, my daughter, my grandson, my son-in-law and me. I have watched him grow and followed his every step, I am very proud of how he has grown.

Cristiano Lionel

Una de las mayores Bendiciones que he tenido, después de ser mamá, han sido mis 2 nietos.

One of the greatest blessings I have had, after being a mother, have been my two grandchildren.

Mi segundo nieto, se llama Gael Santiago, tiene 2 años, no lo veo desde que tenía 10 meses, vive en otro Estado, y aunque no es tan lejos, la camioneta en casa ha estado parada por meses por falta de repuesto, de igual manera espero que pronto mi hijo pueda traerlo a casa para verlo nuevamente y abrazarlo, que sepa que tiene una abuelita que se muere tenerlo cerquita.

My second grandson, his name is Gael Santiago, he is 2 years old, I have not seen him since he was 10 months old, he lives in another state, and although it is not that far, the truck at home has been stopped for months due to lack of spare parts, in the same way I hope that soon my son can bring him home to see him again and hug him, that he knows he has a grandmother who is dying to have him close.

Gael Santiago

Es un niño muy activo e inteligente, tiene bastante carácter igual que su papá, que es mi hijo menor, Miguel Alejandro, quien vive también en el Estado anzoátegui. Ya Gael pronto comenzará el kinder, como quisiera disfrutar las cosas nuevas que aprende, sus nuevas palabras, conocerle las expresiones y cuidarle a veces.

He is a very active and intelligent boy, he has quite a character just like his father, who is my youngest son, Miguel Alejandro, who also lives in the State of Anzoátegui. Gael will soon start kindergarten, as I would like to enjoy the new things he learns, his new words, know his expressions and take care of him sometimes.

Con el tiempo estoy segura que tendré nuevamente a mis 2 nietos juntos, esperando que se quede unos días y se familiarice conmigo y con su abuelo. Que vea a Cristiano como su primo y verlos jugar todo el día.

In time I'm sure I'll have my 2 grandchildren together again, hoping that he'll stay a few days and get acquainted with me and his grandfather. To see Cristiano as his cousin and watch them play all day.

Mientras tanto lo disfruto por fotos y videollamadas.

In the meantime I enjoy it for photos and video calls.

Gracias por haber leído mi publicación, que Dios los Bendiga.

Thank you for reading my publication, God bless you.
