Today I join the fight against breast cancer***

in GEMSlast year

I think that we artists like solitude because we feel good...!


Today is a very important day worldwide as World Breast Cancer Day is celebrated. I personally join this fight.

Hoy es un día muy importante a nivel mundial ya que se celebra el Día Mundial del Cáncer de Mama. Yo personalmente me uno a esta lucha.

Well, sadly, my mother went through breast cancer but she couldn't survive that very dangerous disease. Today I dress in pink in support of all those women who may be fighting to save their lives today.

Bueno, lamentablemente mi madre pasó por cáncer de mama pero no pudo sobrevivir a esa enfermedad tan peligrosa. Hoy me visto de rosa en apoyo a todas aquellas mujeres que hoy pueden estar luchando por salvar sus vidas.

I ask God to take care of all those women warriors and fighters so that they continue to move forward with their families and a completely healthy life. Today I tell all the people of this beautiful community that we unite in support of breast cancer, a disease that sadly has ended many innocent lives.

Pido a Dios que cuide de todas esas mujeres guerreras y luchadoras para que sigan adelante con sus familias y una vida completamente sana. Hoy les digo a todas las personas de esta hermosa comunidad que nos unimos en apoyo al cáncer de mama, enfermedad que tristemente ha acabado con muchas vidas inocentes.

I would like to be able to help all those women who perhaps just need a word of encouragement in these moments of their life, perhaps they just need to hear them keep going, that they are warriors that this disease will not be able to defeat them, that they still have many purposes in this life.

Me gustaría poder ayudar a todas esas mujeres que tal vez solo necesitan una palabra de aliento en estos momentos de su vida, tal vez solo necesitan escucharlas seguir adelante, que son guerreras que esta enfermedad no podrá vencerlas. , que todavía tienen muchos propósitos en esta vida.
