in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

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Everything of value requires time.

Hello, everyone. I hope you are well wherever you are seeing this post. I want you to go with me on this journey today. What I am about to share will help you. One of the things I love to do is to help people, perhaps my greatest strengths, rendering help to people. Because I love helping people, I have been learning how to increase my capacity the more so I can easily find ways to help the more. I hope this post will help you today just as it always helps people when I write.

One of the wrong thoughts or motives of our generation is thinking that things can be gotten on a platter of gold. Many people believe they can easily get what they want, and because of that wrong thinking, many have neglected what they needed to do. This generation wants to be successful but they aren't ready to go through the process. Many are always looking for a short-cut, simplest ways to do things, quickest ways to succeed. Most want to get value, but don't want to go through the high hills to achieve what they want.

Recently, I read a story of three teenagers who killed one of their mates for money ritual. Can you imagine, teenagers, money ritual. That's the extent to which human beings can go to achieve want they want. Even teenagers are eager to be successful in this generation. When they were caught, we also realized that they were very small compared to what we have been thinking. The oldest of them is 17years. It's so pathetic.

It's high time you learnt that everything of value requires time. Whatever you want to achieve in life, if it's valuable, know that it will take time. When you try, and it seems it's not forth coming, don't look for short cut; it only requires time, keep trying. There's always a place of growth, and until the seed germinates you can't see it. Learn to work with the process.

Everyone who truly succeeded today started somewhere. They started at the point you are right now. The starting may be difficult– it's always is. But if you endure the process and keep trying, you will surely succeed and win eventually.

Winning is not in trying today and goes off tomorrow; it's in trying everyday, every time. Because every time you try, you learn, and bit by bit, what you learn aids growth. And it's growth that gives you maximum chance to win. Until you commit yourself to learning everyday, you won't have capacity to grow and once you don't grow there's no way you can win. It's just simple. Nothing changes until the mind is changed. If you don't feed your mind with what is needed for growth, you are simply wasting the chance to win.

I want to suggest three things you can do when you are frustrated, and you think you can't wait for the process because it's taking too much time. Honestly, I agree with you that sometimes, in fact, most of the times, it takes even more longer time before we can succeed at some tasks. I have been there, and I know what it means to actually wait for success. So, everything may seem hopeless during those times. But if you can follow these three guidelines, it will help you not to lose focus and strengthen your heart.

When you are tired of the process, be patient with yourself. This is one of the most important things you can do when you are tired of anything in life. Be patient! Most times, we get tired because we go hard on things, drive so high because we needed things to come to us at all cost. Patience is one of the greatest virtues you need to acquire if you want to be truly successful. When you are tired, just be patient and you will see energy comes back to you to go through the process again.

When you are tired of the process, don't give up, keep growing. Tiredness comes when things are not going smoothly and it may be because we need to develop more strength so as to match up with the process. The truth is, you will always get tired if you are not matched up with the task. People don't want to hear that truth. If you don't have the knowledge to approach the task, you will always get frustrated. So, when you are getting tired, it's time to increase your capacity by learning more, doing more and acquiring more knowledge about the task.

When you are tired of the process, be accountable to someone. Burdens of life are not meant to be carried alone. We need to have people in our lives whom we can share what we are going through with. Sharing our hurdles with people lifts our burdens and give us strength to try again, especially if we share with right people and receive proper motivation. I implore you not get tired now. Follow these three guidelines and you will receive strength to try again. Remember, no shortcut, everything of value requires time. Be patient with the process, grow to match up with the task and share your burdens with the people of the like minds, people who can help you.


I hope this post has helped you. You can leave your suggestion, question and contribution in the comment box.

Written by @taiwo-micheal


You have done well. True talk! 👍

Thank you so much for engaging. @mayowaemmanuel

You're welcome