FALSE FLAG: We Just Had Another 9/11 Inside Job in Israel And Everyone Is Falling For It Again

in GEMSlast year
Authored by @Dollar Vigilante

by @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/tdv_main_channel FALSE FLAG: We Just Had Another 9/11 Inside Job in Israel And Everyone Is Falling For It Again

American taxpayers can now look forward to paying for TWO proxy wars - buy hey, it’s all for a great cause, right? Bet there’s a lot you don’t know about the latest Israhell/Hamas war - all in today’s video!

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yeah get out ... but i want to help people ....

I posted this under Max's latest video but it applies equally here:

Max hints at the true issue. There is no war except the war of the "governors" versus the "governed". Media say "Russia v Ukraine" or "Israel v Palestine" but the only ones dying are the governed, at the hands of weaponry created on the orders of the governors using the wealth generated by the goverrned. When "a country" fires weapons at another "country", the bombs fall not on the houses of the governors - they fall on the houses of the governed. War is just a pretext to cull the ranks of the governed. If a governor were to randomly execute those said to be under said government's rule, that would be declared an act of evil, but when a group of governors meet an agree to kill those being governed by their fellow governors, it is called "war" and is declared an act of nobility.

The hairdresser in Iran cares not about the plumber in Iraq. The teacher in St. Petersburg cares not about the office worker in Lviv. The farmer in the Gaza Strip cares not about the delivery driver in Israel. Only the governors send the governed to die. The true war is the governors versus the governed, but sadly the governed have been so propagandized that they fail to see the enemy right in their faces.<

The war is between those who crave freedom and those who want to crush it. The "countries", "religions" or whatever other factors contribute to "war" are all simply constructs. Free will is given to us by the Creator. Evil wants to end it. It's that simple.

you should be more careful with those russian headlines. that "putin warns klaus schwab" is made up from what I can tell.

The alternative media - like Dan Dick, WAM, Corbett Report, Alex Jones, David Icke. And most of them - feels like beggars -asking for money and selling shite.
Fear is selling.
Even Jeff, just have to sell something he also - like it is in their blood.
Jeff is trying to say - I do not care - as long you support me. But Jeff care - he knows - without support - his dream is pretty soon going down the drain. But he is trying to sell the dream. The dream is baked in with: you produce, I sell : 2 parts. 1. Labor - the other one sucking off the work - Like the animal farm - the pigs were just animals to begin with.
I am so tired of this American dream - always getting bigger - just by selling something without producing anything. Banking with other words.
It is like the American economy - if you can not borrow - than die.
That is the biggest problem of today, to not getting bigger is to die.
So all of you, actually wanting me to support you, by doing work, to produce something ! Smell the air - you are not getting anything, start producing anything physical - or die.

Who's forcing you to watch them? Seems like you're just jealous because they've built up a successful business while all you can do is whine on forums about how much worse you have it. Which is why you have it worse in the first place...

I do not listen to radio, or watch TV. I try to listen to truth tellers - hard enough, that too. In some places around the world there will sit persons - asking for money, without telling you anything, just begging. Others will give you something like the waxx, and tell you it is good for you - they are successful - they got you, to give them money. The more successful you get, depends on how many hands you get into - other's pocket.
I do not have it bad - did I write that ? I have it quite good. Do I want to sell you added value all the time - more chips, a bigger soda? No, I am not that greedy / successful.
If you go to the church, and need to have a visa card ready in the end - is it wrong to say - that is ridiculous ? Or maybe the American are so used to "pay up" that they think - hm! Getting something can not happen - even info. I know Jeff is giving a lot - but it is in his DNA - to add a sale.
So support me, is like Corvid nowadays - I really do good work for you - pay me, just a dollar or 2 - it is a business you know. If you do that, more chips and soda.
If you really have a good business - the customers will come back for more, you do not need to add shit - to get them back - it is baked into your product. If you're selling McDonald / poison - I get it - get what you can at the moment, your consumer will probably be dead soon.