Max Igan on Facing Infinity Without Flinching, the Jews and the Nature of Reality

in GEMS11 months ago
Authored by @Dollar Vigilante

by @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: Max Igan on Facing Infinity Without Flinching, the Jews and the Nature of Reality

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"Don't set up false lords to rule you. Rule yourselves!"

-"adam warlock", april 1975. One of the things that formed my attitudes as a teen, along with all the books regarding dystopia, like 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, On the Beach, et cetera. Funny how they don't put these books on reading lists any more. And Warlock himself was expunged from his own "Infinity Gauntlet" saga when the movies came out.

...noice ty for sharing 💓

Max is spot on about what Israel is in the Bible. Impressive!

Yall flow so well together, like brothers.

Isreal, we need to come back to what is real, connection with source 💪all the fear porn Ecco chamber support is Harvesting your energy while we give it our attention, what will be will be, build and focus on what’s real, self sovereignty and independence, Babel will fall again ✌️✌️✌️