That day all activities went on as usual in the same class with each of them learning to read and understand the content of the instruction in the books and art they had brought from home.
As the lesson goes on, many children who focus on the material they deliver seem very happy in their practice because it becomes a source of knowledge for them to grow and know the outside world.

Until one day, they were given the task of creating an image that told of their current activity and they seemed very eager to begin it. There were many who told about him and how his work was so full of color and excitement.

Some describe the activity of a friend sitting together and sharing the whole story with similar positions and expressions.
This picture tells of the friendship of three friends who are always together in joy and sorrow and along with the man who is the best teacher in his classroom.

It is wonderful to see that they can all make full expression through an image that can tell all about the power of good thinking and imagination.
@s4s @mbp