I'm beginning to take more interest in photography and because of my cat, Molly, I've been trying to understand and deal with so many aspects of animal photography. So far, I'd say animal photography requires a lot of patience. This of course is because many animals don't understand the human language and don't know how important a perfect photograph is to a photographer. Animals could make up to a hundred poses in a minute and this is where a skilled photographer takes his time to study and capture the animal's perfect gestures and postures. Well, I'm not very skilled yet but I have to start from somewhere right?!!
So here are my new photographs of Molly I took today. I'll probably begin to work better on the background and maybe add some piece of clothing at some point. But for now please enjoy my amateur Photography sessions.
All photographs were taken with my mobile phone. Which is your favorite??
I am a self taught and aspiring visual artist, photographer and blogger who loves to create artworks out of randomness. I love the creativity behind my style and the freedom to create drawings out of imperfections.😊😊
Credits to thepeakstudio for the fancy dividers.
Thanks for stopping by my post. Enjoy the rest of day♥️