Spending Time With "Best's Family" + "Sweet Words"... <3

in GEMS4 years ago

Yesterday, Sunday, my male best friend who I call "Best" came over to our house with his lovely family. The last time they came here as a family was my birthday which was around seven months ago, so this visit really made me and my family happy. Of course, Best comes over from time to time. When he's working around the area, he drops by here... or if he has to fix my Internet line... or when he has to run some errands. LOL

Yesterday was purely for visit... a time to bond and relax together. My godson, Navee, is now 11 months old and is starting to walk with assistance. I and my parents are truly happy to play with him again. Mama and papa prepared some food for us to share at lunch time. I couldn't take pictures because we were all busy catching up with each other and most especially playing with Navee.<3

In the afternoon, though, I was able to take some picture of Navee who was enjoyably eating the yema cake we bought. I want to share how cute my godson is!


His parents, especially his mother, trained him to eat by himself. Although it's messy, but it's a good way. He's not picky and he really loves eating vegetables as well. He's such an adorable kid and a ball of energy at that! haha


Look at that pose!!! hahaha He was really happy! Even though it has been seven months since the last time they visited, Navee felt really at home and familiar.


His parents really adore him! <3 And I can't blame them since he's really cute and adorable!

After eating, he spent all his energy exploring every place in the house. He was trying to walk and climb places. All of us were no match for his energy! However, his smile and laughter really made us very happy. I am truly delighted to spend some bonding time with baby Navee!

Of course, Best and I also spent some time together. When Best's wifey was trying to let baby Navee sleep with my mama in the room, Best and I were in the living room playing Mobile Legends. haha It's one of the reasons why we became close friends way back in high school and University days. We both love anime and gaming! We played a total of five games... we lost twice and won three times! lol Well, we do play this game when we're both online though, but it still more fun if we're together. hahaha

I want to spend time with Best and his family again! <3 Of course, I hope to spend time with my other close friends too... especially my bestie, @akielle -nee and my Japanese bff, Jintan! ^^


Today is the birthday of the guy I used to like... and is eternally trying to forget my feelings for. I greeted him last night and he replied with the same message of "I wanna see you and your family again. I want to visit your home!". In the past, I used to be very happy to hear or see this kind of message from him. However, it's just plain frustrating.

Sometimes, I want to believe him... but oftentimes, I choose not to. There are even times when I really hope he finds his partner, be it a girl or another guy... I wouldn't really care as long as he's happy. That way, it's easier for me to just support him and give up on my feelings. Without this, I keep assuming and feel like waiting even if I know it won't take me anywhere. lol I'm just so pathetic.

Anyway, I'll end this post here for now. I still have a few classes left tonight. See you around! (^^,)/


Beautiful children