In Pakistan there is a lock down from previous two weeks, but the corona cases cannot stopped therefore Government of Pakistan extended the same situation of lock down up to 14th. march, 2020. These all measures were taken for the betterment and safety of the Pakistani people. Therefore it is good effort to control from the spread of corona virus. Because life is so precious and comes only for one time.
As shown in the pictures there is partial lock down because for only emergency medical treatment and for the purchase of necessary daily use items such as grocery.
The people must take it serious and we have to save our lives and our young one,s lives. We must follow the instruction provided from the health department and also we have to follow the instructions of the Pakistani Government. We should have to pray from Allah for the control of this virus.
When it needs a virus to unite all of humanity..
Stay blessed and healthy.
May we weather this storm and hopefully never forget that we are all brothers and sisters.