Hell of a week – Norovirus: the unwanted guest

in GEMS3 days ago

I know, I know, I know… What happened to me?! I really thought this week was going to be smooth. Back to work after more than a month, my husband planning a little getaway for me because apparently, I’m a good girl 😉. Life was looking nice.

But oh no… the universe had other plans.

After three days of 12-hour shifts—running, talking, nursing, showering, and then collapsing into bed—we finally left for our beautiful romantic getaway. We dropped our dog off in Slovenia, then drove to a gorgeous resort in Bad Hall. Oh my, so nice! Swimming, eating, sauna time, and chatting with my husband all night long. What more could I ask for?


We got there around 4 PM, and of course, first thing I did? Straight to the pool! I love swimming. Then a little sauna, a shower, and off to an amazing dinner. We had planned to go for an evening walk, but my husband saw how exhausted I was. I mean, after a month off and then three crazy workdays, I was DONE. So, I knocked out in our room’s whirlpool (yes, my husband proved himself with this one), then went straight to bed.



Next morning, after breakfast, we went exploring the beautiful little town—coffee, sightseeing, all that cute stuff. Until… I decided to take my phone out for some photos. And guess what? No phone. Okay, no problem, my husband’s phone then. Nope. He couldn’t find his either. I mean… really?! In this day and age, two people forgetting their phones?! Nice. Guess we were enjoying nature the old-fashioned way.


After that, we packed up, picked up the dog, drove 6 hours all together, and were completely exhausted. My poor husband, driving the whole time. But no rest for the wicked—Saturday, back to work! Another 12-hour shift. And guess what? Norovirus had officially invaded the nursing home. I was so careful—mask, gloves, disinfecting everything like a maniac. I really didn’t want to catch it.

But of course. When do my wishes ever come true? Never.

That night, I woke up at 2 AM feeling very bad. My husband was on night shift, so I was alone. And then… BOOM. It started. And oh boy, I knew what was waiting for me because I had watched my poor residents suffer through it all week. I didn’t want this. I had just eaten before bed, and that meant only one thing—everything was coming out. I ran to the toilet, and let’s just say… I basically lived there. I think I even fell asleep with my head on it (must’ve been a lovely sight, sorry baby, you missed that one!).

First, I was freezing. Then sweating. Then freezing again. Every piece of clothing and blanket was drenched, and there were no more left for me. I was too weak to care. Then I suddenly remembered—I had the car! My husband was supposed to come home… How was he getting back?! But I passed out again before I could worry about it.

Vomiting continued until 8 AM. I had zero energy, couldn’t drink, and my lips were drier than the Sahara. Even a sip of water sent me running back to the toilet. Then I heard the door—my husband was home. He walked all the way. I almost cried. I felt terrible for not picking him up, but at the same time, thank God he was here now.


I must have looked like a ghost because he tucked me in and told me to sleep. An hour later, I woke up with a splitting headache, looked at my husband, and said:
"Please don’t tell me I had a seizure."

He just put his hand on my head and said, “It’s okay, it’s over.” Then I realized—my jaw and teeth hurt. Turns out, I had a seizure for over a minute, clenching my teeth the whole time. No wonder I felt like I had been in a fight with a brick wall.

I spent the whole day sleeping. When I finally woke up, I was terrified to eat. I still felt awful. And then… I saw my husband coming back from the toilet.

Yep. Welcome to the club, baby. Norovirus got both of us.

What is Norovirus?

The worst stomach bug ever. It’s the king (or queen) of vomiting and diarrhea. One minute, you’re fine. The next—BOOM. You’re sprinting to the bathroom like your life depends on it. And honestly? It does.

*Symptoms? Oh, just the usual horror😙

Vomiting (the surprise you don’t want)

Diarrhea (waterfall mode)

Stomach cramps (like a tiny demon squeezing your guts)

Fever, chills, sweating, and feeling like a wreck

How do you treat it?

You don’t. You survive. Drink water (if you can keep it down), rest, and beg the bathroom gods for mercy. It’s a 24–48 hour nightmare, and when it’s over, you’re left weak, hungry, and questioning your life choices.

Moral of the story? Wash your hands. Avoid infected people (too late for us). And if Norovirus wants you, it will find you.

We’re finally getting better. Still can’t eat much, but at least we can drink. And hey, I can think and write again—small victories! 😊

Be careful, guys. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Seriously. 😅

“One of the minor pleasures in life is to be slightly ill.” - Harold Nicholson

With love, @tinabrezpike ❤️


I'm happy I didn't eat while I was reading this... 😄 What you were describing is almost same as I went through years ago while I had stomach flu. Well, in my case, it lasted for weeks...you want to throw up even if you are empty, once you feel cold once hot as hell, felling like sh*t, diarrhea,...

Oh, so you know what kind of misery this is 😂 But I survived, still weak, but living. 😂 you're in luck I didn't wrote what I ate before this disaster happened, and what a lovely color it was 😂 I must really thank you for stopping by! And oh, don't go out. Apparently this shit is still everywhere 😂

Oh, I do, no worry 😁 You are doing this to your husband too? You know...Getting him to a diet only with few words 😄 If you think you are weak, well that's a power you have now, lol. Oh, I just open my feeds now and than, and sometimes I see your post (rare ones that I actually read, because you are close by). Well, too late. I go out to chat in coffee shops or I take long walks with people I know, so... maybe I am doomed already 🤣 Any suggestion?

Hahaha, you're right. It's also the best way to make him stop eating my chocolate 😂 Yeah, I thought you were not active anymore, but look, you're here 😂 Oh, if you don't go to the hospital or nursing home, I think you will be alright 🤔 and don't eat before if you know you were in contact with someone who has this shit 😂

Oh gosh, I don't wanna be responsible for anything about so important as chocolate 😁 I am active here. In fact I open peakd on daily basis. But I do not write articles any more. It was extremely time consuming. Well, if I don't have to go into hospital or nursing home, they will not see me there. Maybe...if I meet sexy girl working there, than I guess I would squeeze somehow through the entrance 😂 but otherwise...nah. You know what - If I know someone has this, I rather contact this person on cam. To have empty stomach, wouldn't help me. Really. You're still coming to our little country now and than?

i think i dreamt about drinking water only 2 times in my life. Long ago when i was a teenager and mixed some alcohol that should not be mixed :D and this year curtesy of the Norovirus.

I woke up feeling blah and made a great decision of eating 😂 vomited every bit of food in the next few hours. They say if you are lucky to not eat it is a bit better :D

48 hours of fasting, not sure did i manage to keep any water in the first 24h. And then you are not sure should you try to eat. you are eating with fear 😂

for me the 48h fasting was not that bad, for both of you, you probably didn't need it 😁

Hahaha, so you know what kind of hell this is 😂 my husband was in luck because he saw me, so he stopped eating 24 hours before. Me, not so much….I eat a whole bowl of salad…I think I won't eat salad soon 😂 this was a disaster. Yesterday was the first day I ate without being scared 😂 I was being so careful not to catch it, but I was unsuccessful😂 I don't want to go through that again in my life!! 😂😂