Me vs. Plants - garden of secrets

in GEMS2 months ago (edited)

Boys and girls, I’m on a flower mission! 🌸🌼

Here’s the deal... I’m terrible at keeping plants alive. I never know how much water they need, what temperature makes them happy, or even what they’re called. To top it off, I constantly forget to water them. Right now, I only have one plant left because, well… let’s just say I have a very special talent for accidentally killing them. Yep, it’s my fault. 😅

My friend, bless her patience, kept gifting me plants over the years. None of them survived. Last year, she gave me a new plant and said, “If this one survives, I’ll give you another.” So now, this lone survivor is my pride and joy. When its leaves start turning yellow, I panic, because if it dies, she’s going to give me “the look.” 😬 But guess what? It’s still alive and growing! 😊🎉

Now that I’m planning to have a garden, I’ve decided it’s time to learn about flowers and plants. I don’t just want a veggie patch, I want my garden to be beautiful with flowers too! 🌻 I’m really hoping I can make this work. Fingers crossed! 🤞

I started scrolling through old photos of flowers and plants to learn their names, figure out how to care for them, and decide if they’re “me-proof.” If a plant needs too much attention, I’m skipping it. Let’s be real...I’m not going to suddenly become a plant whisperer overnight. 😅

My husband isn’t thrilled, he knows how this usually ends. He even got me Lego flowers once because, as he says, “At least these can’t die.” 😂

But this time, I’m determined. With a garden of my own, I’m going to make it a place full of life and color.

So, here’s the plan: I’ll share pictures of flowers I’ve taken (mostly at the botanical garden in Madeira, with a few from Amsterdam) Since we live in a time where your phone can identify plants with a photo, I figured, why not give it a shot? I’ll try to name them and figure out how to care for them. And here’s where you come in! Let me know if I got the names right, or wrong. I’m counting on your help! 😊

Oh, and don’t even think about suggesting cacti. I’ve killed those too. Yep, even the “indestructible” mother-in-law’s tongue didn’t stand a chance with me. Apparently, it’s called that because it’s tough, but I managed to prove it wrong. 🤷‍♀️

Agave - or just cactus

So, let’s see how many flowers I can identify. What do you think—any plant out there that’s truly me-proof?

Let’s go on this adventure together, and who knows? Maybe this time, I’ll finally become a plant mom who doesn’t end up with a plant graveyard. Wish me luck! 🌺

almost 100% sure this is palm - Cycad Palm! 😂


Arrowleaf or elephant ear? And my app told me this is Taro…soo…what now?

bananaaaaa ( yeah, I know this one) 😂



Belladonna Lily or Jersey Lily?

definitely Aloe Vera!


Calliandra - Dixie Pink or Pink powder puff

Carpobrotus rosii? Or White hot? I have no idea 😒

Water hyacinth 😊


Fiddlehead or Lacy tree fern? ( is this even the same tree? 😂


my friend told me this is Firespike plant, but my app shows me this is Mottled toothedthread, so what now?



I know this one! Hibiscus…jeah 💪💪


Hydrangea - Endless summer pop star

Hey, I also know this one - saffron 👌

Monstera deliciosa ( I had this one…and of course, she is not with us anymore) 😔


Cape Honeysuckle 🤔

Pink Lemonade Plumeria?

Coneflower or black-eyed Susan hahahaha 😂 I’m not sure it this is true, but what can I do, my app told me so 😂

Spider lily

Bird of paradise. Traditional Madeira flower

Uganda Giant Cycad


Definitely still elephant ear, and let me introduce you to Greta ( apparently this is butterfly species…I don’t know) 😂

Greta, you are beautiful 😍

"I love gardening. I’m just not great at keeping it alive." – Unknown

With love, @tinabrezpike❤️


I can relate to that, I had no green thumb, I don't know how to take care of plants too.😄

Hahaha :) Of course, Im not the only one 😂 I love flowers and plants, and it looks so good when my apartment is all green, but unfortunately, it's impossible to have that 😂 but I'm learning 💪

Good luck on learning how to grow the plants and flowers.😊😊 Fighting!

Thank you ☺️ if flowers don't survive, I hope vegetables will 😂

Oh.. for me, spinach can survive with less care. 😁

Growing spinach? Hmmm, maybe I'll try it...we will see what will survive ;))

Oh.. I forgot, we lived in different area. Spicy easily grow in tropical countries.

The elephant ear is called coxoyam in Nigeria. I recognized the hibiscus, the plantain and that's just about it, the rest are foreign to me and I don't know the rest. However, these are very beautiful shots

Thank u. I’m not sure how many names are actually correct 🤔 but, I tried my best 😂

Unless you do a research, you might not know all their names.

I'm already deep in learning 😂

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Res lepe rože, ampak zdaj, pozimi?

eh ne, zdaj se samo učim ter gledam kakšne rože so primerne za mene, da ne umrejo po enem tednu :) po 10 letih imam končno vrt :)

Haha, jst mam po 30 letih njivo 😂

Ja, mene tudi čaka njiva v Slo, sva jo z bratom dobila od babice, ampak dokler se ne odselim nazaj je ta njivica ful osamljena. Sem že rekla očetu, če ne bi posadili buč, pa me je samo grdo gledal ker ve, da bi na koncu on vse delal ;)) Kaj boš sadil?

svašta 😎 boš lahko sledila 😜

Traktor je pripravljen? 😉

Nemam traktor. Mam frezo :)