My health journey - a summer ride

in GEMS8 months ago

It finally started. The hot weather is here, and I couldn't be happier! There's just one tiny problem. My medications make me sick the last few weeks, which isn't pretty. Oddly enough, I've never had this issue before. Why am I telling you this? Because on Sunday, I forgot to take my pills and felt amazing. That is until my husband woke me up in the morning and said I had a seizure. Luckily, it was just a petite mal seizure. I wasn’t shaking and didn't hurt myself because I was still in bed. And, surprisingly, there was no pain, so I didn't believe him at first. A few minutes later, my head started to hurt, confirming it was indeed a small seizure.
For those who don't know, a petite mal seizure is when you're awake but staring blankly and can't talk. You have words in your head, but nothing comes out. This episode lasted only 30 seconds, so I slept for another hour and didn't remember it until my husband told me. He suggested I sleep a bit more, and after two hours, I felt good and started my day as if nothing had happened.

But seriously, I skipped my pills for a day, and a seizure happened? I thought I could eventually stop taking them, but now it's clear. There's no way to stop, and I can't afford to forget them. I'm pretty sad because I hoped to be off pills soon, but those hopes are now dashed. But it’s okay. If I’ve lived with them this long, I can keep going. My doctor said we might try again next year. Who knows, maybe it will be possible soon.

The point of this story is that we had planned to go biking in a nearby bike park. My husband doubted my strength due to the seizure, but I insisted I could do it. And guess what? I did! I was a bit scared about how I'd feel the next day, but I’m good. It means I'm still strong and can ride like crazy even after a seizure.


We have a beautiful bike park just 15 minutes away from Graz. What kind of bike park is it?


On a 4.2-kilometer stretch, you can try out all difficulty levels, from green (very easy) to black (difficult). The mountain bike trail park is in the forest near Lannach train station, making it super accessible by train. There are twelve different trails and lines, three practice areas, a recreation area with park & ride, bike parking, a washing area, toilets, and even drinks and snack machines, and NO entry fee. Since the park is small, there’s no cable car or gondola, so you need to bike back up on your own. I didn't want to walk, so I rode my bike back up the side road. Now, I have excruciating pain in my behind, but it’s worth it because my arms and legs are strong enough not to hurt. Woohoo!


We focused on the jumpline to learn how to jump properly. I can already take corners without braking and lean into them well, but jumping the bank is still a challenge. I'm determined to master it without landing on the bank. So far, I haven't succeeded, but just jumping up without braking and not falling is a big win for me.




We started riding around 9 in the morning when it was still pleasant. The park is in the forest, so the sun wasn't a problem, and it wasn’t too hot. But by 1 o'clock, the heat was unbearable, and I felt like I was melting. I think I lost 3 kg of water! 😊






So, we packed up and headed out for lunch and, of course, beer. It's supposedly the best drink for electrolytes. I'm not sure if that’s true, but the guys insisted, so who am I to argue? The food and one beer gave me a boost, but when I got home, all I could see was the shower and my bed. I slept almost the whole day, but it doesn't matter. I'm happy I managed to ride part of the track without braking, and falling ! Next week, I'm determined to master jumping the bank!




Until then, here’s to small victories and the thrill of the ride! 🚴‍♀️

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

With love, @tinabrezpike❤️


Big kudos to you for still going biking after that seizure, and succeeding at it even! Quite a win indeed!
Love the picture with the upside down bike!!! And the track looks lovely! Practice will make perfect!
And now, I’m hungry for a good schnitzel! ;-)

Thanks so much for stopping by and your kind words :) Yes, Wiener schnitzel with fries is always the best choice 😂

You’re welcome!!! :-)
I must admit that’s it’s been ages since I’ve last had some really good Wiener Schnitzel!

Schnitzel is a must in my home, and it's definitely on the table at least once a week...or else 😂

Lol! I’m guessing you are German or Austrian! 😂😂😂

I'm living in Austria right now, but we had this tradition back home too. Every Sunday, my father made schnitzel and mashed potatoes, the only thing he could cook. 😂So, whenever I'm back in Slovenia on a Sunday, this dish is always on the table.😂

Ah, so cool! I never knew it was so popular in Slovenia as well?
But then again, it used to be popular in Belgium as well :-) (not that much anymore now though, no idea why, but I miss it ;-) )

I hope it will come that you don't need to have your pills daily.😊

Thank you, I hope that too. Maybe someday will be better, we never know what the future holds for us :)

You're welcome. 😊 Yeah.. just keep moving and doing what you love and makes you feel healthy. 😊

Congrats for having courage, will and strength to still go on a trail after all!
It is hot and heavy lately with the weather, lucky it's a bit more forgivable up in the mountains

Lemon/citrous and raw honey are great and healthy natural source of electrolites. I feel you when our body reminds us, when we skipped a day without certain medications..

I'm using these one's (green one of course :)) that help me take daily medicine and is easy to remember / see if i skipped any in between. Thinking not only on the body, but these temperatures also take effect of the medicine alone as well.

Feeling down, without energy is something I'm struggling lately as well, ever since temperatures went above 30, so nearly 3 weeks now. My best performing temperature is in somewhere in between 20-28 or so, but also summer makes me sleepy and body in need of a lot more sleep, or is it just me ?

Dang, that Einstein's quote is something I'll need to write on a wall somewhere
Thank you for staying stong and hivemazing!✌️

I have a similar system for sorting my pills and keeping them in the same place, so it's already a routine at home and I don't forget to take them. I also have Alexa remind me every day, but this time I wasn't home and I forgot them in my bag. Alexa didn’t remind me either! 😄People say my memory is bad, but I won't forget them again. I'm a little scared because I really don't want to have a seizure, especially now when I'm on vacation. And yes, this hot weather is driving me crazy and making me tired all the time. You're not the only one feeling this way. My doctor's advice for not feeling so tired? Drink lots of water. 🤨I'm not sure it helps, but yeah. As long as I drink my coffee, I can function through the day, but in the evening, my body gives up and I need to sleep. A few days ago, we played poker until 3 a.m. I can't tell you how awful I felt the next day. I was in bed all day. But let's be positive, I'll enjoy these two weeks now, so I told myself, please no trouble now!😅