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RE: The Doomsday clock - is fear the best way to save the world?

in GEMS2 months ago

nobody cares… but I'm unsure why they think this would work with people…maybe with some of the conspiracy theories guys. 🤔😉 But yeah, brainwashing people is pretty good business for some of the people, so…:) Maybe is something, maybe not…I will never forget when I watched a stand-up show by George Carlin, and he said: The planet is fine, people are fucked…it stayed in my head 😂


It's probably just an idea that someone came up with and a bunch of other people thought was good and now they're all running with it to justify their incomes. I'm sure there's a whole department dedicated to the dumb ass clock and people who get paid a lot to make up the bullshit and keep people controlled. The really funny thing is that people are so well trained, they like being controlled, which is evidenced by their religion social media. They're slaves to Tok Tok and Facebook and fool themselves that they're living their best lives when in actual fact they're living the lives the string-pullers want them to lead.


I have never had Tik Tok… I think this is one of the most manipulated apps…this challenges what the kids are doing because of this app is just crazy… how many kids have already died because of tik Tok...just crazy…but…money is more important than life…