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RE: True or False - your dreams are a hidden universe you can control?

in GEMS5 days ago

I first heard about Darius when he claimed that The Matrix would end in 2023. Because of that, I'm not a big fan of people who make such bold predictions. Also, his courses cost around €300, which I think is too expensive since you can find similar information online for free.I'm not saying he only talks nonsense…there’s definitely something interesting about what he discusses. However, I remain skeptical. I’ve had my own strange experiences during meditation, something similar to an OBE. At the time, it felt incredibly real…I swear I saw my own body sitting there…but it only lasted about 10 seconds. I was fully awake, and the experience scared me a lot. Even now, I'm not sure what really happened. Oh, and he supports David Icke, and his reptilian theory doesn't go well with me… But everyone has their own opinions and beliefs, and who am I to judge…


It is a shame that many of them are pressured to give out dates while this struggle between good and evil is event driven. and we well know now that our concept of time is all wrong and to makes things worse, those who controlled the world in recent history have been messing with calendars for centuries if not millenia. so do we even know what "year" it is right now..?

awesome that you had such an experience yourself. I can see how that would freak one out.