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Consiguió un trabajo en un restaurante de mesero para poder ayudar a su madre y pagar sus estudios que le salían costosos ya que quería ser Veterinarios le gustaban los animales, como todos los jóvenes se levantaba temprano preparaba su bianda por que casi pasaba todo el dia en la calle ( Bendicion mamá ), decia cuándo se iba su madre lo besaba en la frente y no acompañaba hasta la puerta, fueron buenos tiempos de eso no había duda pasaron los años y Fernando se fue convirtiendo en un hombre responsable en el trabajo, ya no era mesonero ahora era el encargado del restaurant colaboraba en su casa su madre, ella siempre fue su mejor apoyo estudiaba su carrera iba ya por el quinto semestre de veterinaria decia (los mejores tiempos de mi vida asi le doy el valor ); aunque no todo fue fácil el país donde vivia estaba atravesaba la peor crisis económica vista, muchos compañeros de estudio de el se tuvieron que ir de su país natal dejando atras sus familias, hijos, amigos, casas, bienes, trabajos en fin sus comodidades y buscar suerte en otros paises. Fernando no tardó mucho en pensar igual, ya que la Universidad donde estudiaba cerró sus puertas, y el restaurante no estaba en su mejor momento y también cerró.
El de verdad quiso se esforzó pidió a Dios con fuerza para solucionar su situación por que no quería salir de su país, convesido por algunos de sus amigos se fue con ellos que le dibujaron una nueva oportunidad de vida se dijo a si mismo ¿por que no? lo voy a intentar, y el día llego sin poder llevar muchas pertenencias decidio partir, su madre muy triste con el corazon partido en mil pero animandolo se despidio de el (Dios te bendiga hijo, no lo olvides "Eres mi mas grande logro"), le dio el mas fuerte beso y el mas largo abrazo y se fue.
Voy a volver por ti madre (Exclamó ), pasaron unos meses y no le fue fácil para sobrevivir vendió chicles en buses, limpio vidrios de autos, pero no era lo suyo, desanimado una noche se reunió con unos amigos de el que se encontraban alla tambien para despejarse un poco, hubo una pelea con uno de ellos y tristemente a Fernando lo mataron sólo tenía 29 años, cuando le tocó decidir planes incierto en otro pais por culpa de un gobierno mediocre y sin ley salio a buscar un futuro (como dicen muchos) fuera su pais. Su madre no pudo estar con el , y es todo lo que puedo decir de Fernando. Gran hijo, amigo, trabajador, buen estudiante, alegre sólo se que tenía muchas ganas de vivir. 👧Mi forma de ver la vida Area73.
I want to talk to you on this occasion about Fernando, a young, tall, thin, very nice, pleasant boy with black eyes and straight hair a little long and blond, a boy like few others, lived with his mother in a middle-class apartment in the city. the center of the city, like every young man he likes football, going out with his friends, going to the movies, eating and dressing well, very loved by his mother who always told him (you are my greatest achievement), he always shared with his family , quite a character (as he would say), was studying high school at that time. Fernando was not a very good student, but he applied himself to succeed. The years went by and Fernando managed to leave high school with a good average to be accepted into the university, and thus he became a young man with many dreams and illusions. Like any boy of his age who wants to improve himself in life.
He got a job in a restaurant as a waiter to be able to help his mother and pay for his studies, which were expensive since he wanted to be Veterinarians, he liked animals, like all young people he got up early he prepared his meal because almost everything happened The day in the street (Blessing mom), he used to say when his mother was leaving, she kissed him on the forehead and did not accompany him to the door, they were good times of that there was no doubt the years passed and Fernando became a responsible man in the work, he was no longer a waiter, now he was in charge of the restaurant, he worked at home, his mother was always his best support and he was studying his career, he was already in the fifth semester of veterinary medicine, he said (the best times of my life so I give him the courage) ; Although not everything was easy, the country where he lived was going through the worst economic crisis, many of his fellow students had to leave their country, leaving behind their families, children, friends, houses, goods, jobs, in short, their comforts and looking for luck elsewhere. Fernando did not take long to think the same, since the University where he was studying closed its doors, and the restaurant was not in its best moment and also closed.
He really wanted to, he made an effort, he asked God with strength to solve his situation because he did not want to leave his country. Convened by some of his friends, he went with them, they drew him a new life opportunity, he said to himself: why not? I'm going to try, and the day came without being able to carry many, he decided to leave, his mother very sad with her heart broken in a thousand but encouraging him said goodbye to him (God bless you son, do not forget "You are my greatest achievement"), He gave her the strongest kiss and the longest hug and left.
I'm going to come back for you mother (He exclaimed), a few months passed and it was not easy for him to survive he sold chewing gum on buses, he cleaned car windows, but it was not his thing, discouraged one night he met with some friends from whom They were also there to clear up a bit. There was a fight with one of them and sadly, Fernando was killed when he was only 29 years old, when he had to decide an uncertain future because of a mediocre and lawless country. His mother couldn't be with him, and that's all I can say about Fernando. Great son, friend, worker, good student, happy I just know that he really wanted to live. 👧My way of seeing life Area73.

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