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RE: Behold Trees on Tuesday

in GEMS5 years ago

Nice shots, Denise. It's a bit conflicting to see the state of the world today. We, humans, are suffering... but it's unquestionable that the planet is breathing better.

I hope mankind can find a way to return to life but tone down the consumerism society.

We shouldn't be producing stuff and programming it to break down in 3 years, just to ramp up the profits of the enterprises. We should producing stuff which lasts for decades, so that we save natural resources... and don't need to keep spending money buying the same things over and over again.


I agree with you 100%

We are suffering, but, in the meantime, the earth is slowly recovering. We are all spoiled in our wants and needs, can't we get to that place where there is happiness in the fact that we can breathe better and so can Mother Earth?

Gone are the days when you buy something and use it your entire life and then pass it down to your children. Whatever happened to those things and why did that change???

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!


Hm, something went wrong with the comment, but I think I`ve managed to send the tip ;)