Childhood Fictions As A Nigerian Child.

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Hi guys, it's me Trojan, and today, I will be blogging about some more crazy stories told by Nigerian parents to their children either to just scare them or to promote some kind of culture.
Remember in one of my previous posts, I talked about some urban legends and there, I talked about some scary stuff.


2 days back, my mum and I were talking about the tooth fairy and then it dawned on me of some similarities to the Nigeria version and I decided to share some more. So guys here you have it. Feel free to laugh and be entertained.


Throw your teeth on the rooftop:

Just as in the abroad, they tell their kids that when you lose a tooth, you should put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy so they can take it and exchange it for money.
Well, in Nigeria we have something awesome also lolz. Well, ours is a whole different from that of the tooth fairy story as a child, when we lose a tooth, we were told to pick the number of stones according to our age together with the tooth and throw it on the rooftop. Funny right??
If you don't do this, a lizard with eat your tooth and it won't grow again. Believe me, it was awesome cause every child kind of looked forward to it.

Thread On a Baby's Head.

This is a myth mostly told by mothers that just gave birth. It is said that when a baby hiccups, you should place a strand of thread on the baby's head to help him/her stop. I think I saw one time like that when a 4-year-old saw his young sister hiccup and after several times of noticing what his mother does, he repeated the same thing just so that his sister would feel better.

It Will Grow in Your Stomach.

Writing this, I just began to smile. Gosh, we were so dumb back then. This story was said to prevent us from swallowing seeds of fruits etc. I don't know if it was told just to scare us or it was to prevent us from having complications or so sort. So they made up a story saying that if you eat seeds, they will start growing in your stomach. I won't lie, this stuck with me or should I say once in a while when I'm eating fruits with seeds, I am always scared.

Don’t beat a boy/male with a broom:

All the others were funny, but this was scary. Why? They said if you beat a male child, he will become impotent. This was a hell of a story that till now, they still use to threaten us (males) and even though we all laugh about it. we still have this hidden fear deep down.

While Removing Feathers From a Fowl Don't Talk:

I don't know who made this up but it's really silly. Maybe it was made up for kids who lack focus. Well here is the tale. It says you have to be quiet while removing the feathers of birds when you want to cook them or else the feathers you’ve removed would grow back instantly. Silly right?? LOLz

Some really funny stuff right who says Nigeria doesn't also have her own stories. It might not be like that of Santa Clause or the tooth fairy or bigfoot or any other thing but I guess it's actually kind of better and really crazy.

There are still some more fictions like:

  • Spreading your clothes overnight outside.
  • Walking under where they spread clothes.
  • Touching a girl makes her pregnant etc.


I guess that's all for now guys.
Until next time,
Keep on buzzing.


Thanks for stopping by yooo