*Covenant in Scripture and African Traditional Religion*

in GEMS4 days ago

People always ask about the meaning of certain things, which often include things like

A covenant,

Which is actually a sacred agreement that is shared mostly among two or more parties or people which helps them to establishe a binding relationship,most times these things or bonds comes with both obligations, promises, and consequences.

This covenants are either both Biblical, Scriptural and also African Traditional Religion (ATR).
They all recognizes covenants, even though most of them still differ in their origins, and how they are being practiced which also include their spiritual implications.

For the Bible,
a covenant (Hebrew: berith, Greek: diatheke) simple refers to divine agreement initiated by God with humanity or humans. These agreements are of two main types: Divine Covenants (God and Man)


Human Covenants (Between People)

When we talk about the one for
Divine Covenants (God and Man)

We have to talk about firstly..

Noahic Covenant(Genesis 9:8-17) – God's promises where dedicated with man and how he's not to destroy the earth by flood again,
Which made him to symbolise this convenant with the rainbow.

There is also the
Abrahamic Covenant –

Here God's promises in blessing Abraham and his descendants, were made and also the promise of making him a great nation was also established here.

We have the Mosaic Covenant

which God gave to moses at Mount Sinai,
Were he gave them all commandments including the Ten Commandments and laws for Israel.

After that we have the
Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:12-16) –

Here God was making his promises to established in the household and kingdom of king David,
Here a throne for him and his family was established forever,
This helps in fulfilling the life of Jesus Christ.

In our next discussion I will be talking about the convenants established with Jesus christ and some little relationships it have with the new convenants...