[ESP-ING] Para días grises, paragua de colores parte I / For gray days colored umbrella part I

in GEMS4 years ago
Yo siempre he sido la amiga que dice que los cambios no son malos, que todos los dias nos enfrentamos a situaciones diferentes y que la vida es un constante cambio, la vida muchas veces es un ensayo y error, cuando algo no nos gusta o cuando algo no va bien debemos cambiarlo aunque esto nos aterra. Detras de todos esos cambios se esconden muchos sentimientos que no entendemos hasta que nos toca a nosotros dar esos pasos.
I have always been the friend who says that changes are not bad, that every day we face different situations and that life is a constant change, life is often a trial and error, when we do not like something or when something is not going well we must change it even though this terrifies us. Behind all those changes are hidden many feelings that we do not understand until it is our turn to take those steps.


Foto de mi galeria personal. Atardecer en Ciudad Bolivar / Photo from my personal gallery. Sunset in Ciudad Bolivar


En esta oportunidad no tengo tantas fotos felices para mostrarles, pero si hay algo de lo que quiero hablar para desahogarme un poco. Trato de ser positiva con todo lo malo que sucede aunque muchas veces no tenga ganas de continuar, esta vez me toco a mi hacer uno de los cambios mas grandes que hasta ahora me ha tocado y me da muchisimo miedo afrontar todas las situaciones que estan proximas a suceder. Debo admitir que siento muchisimo miedo porque me enfrento a algo desconocido, pero son cosas que pueden pasar y no es mal de morir.

This time I don't have so many happy pictures to show you, but there is something I want to talk about to let off some steam. I try to be positive with all the bad things that happen even though many times I don't feel like going on, this time it was my turn to make one of the biggest changes that I have had so far and I am very scared to face all the situations that are about to happen. I must admit that I feel a lot of fear because I am facing something unknown, but these are things that can happen and it is not bad to die.


Foto de mi galeria personal / Photo from my personal gallery

Tengo que comenzar de nuevo en otra universidad donde no conozco a nadie, tengo que ser la nueva otra vez, un ambiente totalmente diferente al que estuve acostumbrada por mucho tiempo, pero como llegué a todo eso? Bueno es sencillo, actualmente la situación política y económica en Venezuela es difícil y para algunos eso les ha complicado terminar sus estudios, está vez me tocó a mí. No me voy a rendir, no voy a desistir, no voy a cambiar la meta solo estoy cambiando un poco el camino.

I have to start all over again in another university where I don't know anyone, I have to be the new one again, a totally different environment than the one I was used to for a long time, but how did I get to all that? Well it's simple, currently the political and economic situation in Venezuela is difficult and for some people that has made it difficult to finish their studies, this time it was my turn. I am not going to give up, I am not going to give up, I am not going to change the goal, I am just changing the path a little bit.


Yo sabía que esto debía pasar, que yo debía tomar está decisión pero lo estuve postergando. Comencé a sentir más ansiedad que antes, me he se sentido deprimida, he sentido soledad y mucha tristeza, siento que no lo voy a lograr que por motivos mayores algo me dice que ese no es mi camino pero yo soy muy insistente aunque en este momento me siento agotada emocional, mental y físicamente.
I knew that this had to happen, that I had to make this decision but I kept putting it off. I started to feel more anxious than before, I have felt depressed, I have felt loneliness and a lot of sadness, I feel that I am not going to make it, that for major reasons something tells me that this is not my path but I am very insistent even though at this moment I feel emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted.


Imagen de buenavibracamp / Image by buenavibracamp


Foto de mi galería personal / Photo from my personal gallery

Quiero hablarles un poco de la depresión que he tenido a raíz de esta decisión, la ansiedad que tengo casi todos los días, los pensamientos negativos y como poder lidiar un poco con todos los problemas que me han sucedido que son muchísimos, esto solo ha sido la punta del iceberg, gracias a Dios mi novia me ha acompañado en el inicio de esto, gracias a ella logró sobrellevar la situación de una manera menos pesada.

I want to talk to you a little about the depression that I have had as a result of this decision, the anxiety that I have almost every day, the negative thoughts and how to deal a little with all the problems that have happened to me that are very many, this has only been the tip of the iceberg, thank God my girlfriend has accompanied me at the beginning of this, thanks to her I managed to cope with the situation in a less heavy way.

Traductor/Translator: Deepltraslator
Todo el Contenido es de mi propia autoría.

All content is my own authorship


What a nice place ❤️❤️

The sunsets are beautiful 💕

Curated by @blessed-girl


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