Hello, my name is Sara and I am 16 years old, a 5th year student and soon to be high school graduate. Today I decided to experiment in this community, to learn and also to teach you my ideas, I hope you like it and I hope you are something positive!!!!
- Les contare un poco sobre mis expectativa como persona, como ven soy muy joven pero capaz de asumir muchas cosas, ya que próximamente seré bachiller, mi objetivo es poder estudiar Odontología, una carrera muy costosa pero haré todo mi esfuerzo y con la ayuda de mi familia, lo lograremos!
I will tell you a little about my expectations as a person, as you can see I am very young but capable of taking on many things, as I will soon be a high school graduate, my goal is to study dentistry, a very expensive career but I will make every effort and with the help of my family, we will achieve it!
- Aprendí de está comunidad gracias a mi prima @dmaria16, ya que debido a la pandemia nos aburrimos, pude iniciar mi blog y puedo adquirir y compartir aprendizajes, ideas para las actividades diarias y hasta para emprender profesionalmente.
I learned from this community thanks to my cousin @dmaria16, because due to the pandemic we were bored, I could start my blog and I can acquire and share learning, ideas for daily activities and even to undertake professionally.
-Espero contar con el apoyo de la comunidad de Hive blog ya que estaré compartiendo mis conocimientos con ustedes!
I look forward to the support of the Hive blog community as I will be sharing my knowledge with you!
OCD Discord Server where you will get to meet and interact with thousands of other Hive enthusiasts, some of which are veterans and will be able to guide you accordingly.Hello @valen-s. This is @gentleshaid from the @ocd team. Congratulation on onboarding to Hive and making your introductory post. In case you run into bumps and will need clarifications, feel free to hop into
Welcome and hope you'll enjoy it on here.