News from Venezuela and the world Friday June 29, 2020, summary of economy, finances, shows, spelling, phrase among other things ...

in GEMS5 years ago

«It's News»
Monday 29 Jun 2020
Editor Willians Marquez
Good Morning

• Leopoldo López considered that the WSJ article against him lacks foundation and evidence
• PDVSA terminates contract with "La Estancia" gas station in Chuao, Miranda
• The Caracas Chamber of Commerce rejects the taking of gas stations by PDVSA.
• Guaidó condemned the expropriations of gas stations and denounced Maduro's new "business".
• Captain Acosta Arévalo's wife demands justice one year after his death
• Jorge Rodríguez reported 2 deaths and 167 new positive cases of COVID-19 totaling 5,297 cases of COVID-19 in Venezuela
• Executive reported 167 new cases totaling
• "Whoever crosses the border by trails will go to jail for violating an epidemiological fence"
• Sudeban confirmed that banks will continue to be closed in regions with "radical quarantine"
• Aristóbulo: We are going to make the modality of distance education permanent.
• Deputy Juan Velazco: There are people who die from COVID-19 in Zulia, but they are not counted.
• El Nacional: The shortage of supplies for the prevention of covid-19 persists in Venezuelan hospitals
• CNE appointed by TSJ announced that it met with "parties" in the face of parliamentary "elections"
• Venezuela and China commemorate 46th anniversary of diplomatic relations

• Shoemaker: There are governments that regret having recognized Guaidó.
• They capture an alleged spy of the Maduro regime in Colombia
• The EU prepares sanctions for 25 members of the Maduro regime
• Italy celebrated the LGBT Pride without large crowds due to the pandemic.
• Paraguay will give Uruguay the presidency of a Mercosur in quarantine
• Brazil added 552 deaths from COVID-19 this Sunday
• Chile has 271,982 cases of covid-19 and more than 5,500 deaths.
• Medical Federation: "Not enough coronavirus tests are being done in Colombia"
• Peru announces that a pandemic is on the decline and will begin unconfinement.
• Chile confirms 271,982 cases of COVID-19 and 5,509 deaths
• New York buried nearly 900 people in mass graves during the coronavirus outbreak.
• More than 10 million people infected with coronavirus worldwide

• Official dollar at 202,331.51
• Gasoline: 101,165.75 Bs / L
• Projected price of the Venezuela Barrel is $ 24.14 base to WTI of $ 38.16 and its relation of last 3 weeks, data of the MINPET.
• The average parallel dollar at Bs. 208,771.57
• The Petro closed with an exchange rate of Bs. 11,885,780.52
• BCV: International reserves rise US $ 3.0 million and close at US $ 6,400

• Yankees and Nationals will animate the opening day of the MLBo
• Guardiola confirmed that City will make Liverpool a hall of honor
• Real Madrid beat Espanyol 1-0 and is the solo leader of LaLiga Santander.
• Toquita Mejías, the number one sports fan of the Anzoátegui state, died.
• Gloria Estefan returns with a new album to the rhythm of Brazilian music
• Woody Allen Film will open San Sebastián International Film Festival

• Coronavirus: Japanese create mask that syncs with your smartphone

• Both smoking and vaping increases the risk of COVID-19 infection.

• —I hope there are people in… —What a horror, better read.

• If I change, everything changes ~ Enric Corbera

• Why does our breath smell?

#Public service Let's help Mina Vivas beat breast cancer

• The city of La Guaira (1589) is founded.
• Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco (1725) dies | Spanish aristocrat, military and politician. Founder of the Royal Spanish Academy RAE.
• Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900) is born | French writer and aviator. Author of the work The Little Prince.
• José Gregorio Hernández dies (1919)
• The King of Spain Alfonso XIII de Borbón gives the Madrid Foot-Ball Club (1920) the title of "Real".

• World Day against Scleroderma.
• World Industrial Design Day.
• International Day of the Tropics.
• Day of the Parranda de San Pedro.

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• Each woman has a smile on her face and a thousand secrets in her heart.
#Stay at home.

          Willians Márquez
