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RE: I Am Alive challenge Day-297 Stopping by at evening in my farmland. Update 26th march 2021

in GEMS4 years ago

Some things are amazing. Despite being very close to us, we try to get away from them. While it is true that barring such a beautiful environment, no one would want to go into the polluted atmosphere of the city. Half the diseases of the body are cured on their own by staying in a clean environment, while the healthy body comes in the contaminated environment of the city and becomes a victim of some disease. However, all this is a thing of imagination because the necessities of life have forced people to move out of the house. I am glad that you are enjoying these things for a short time.


Exactly same thinking here. I also would not like to go anywhere leaving this place but our l livelihood, our necessity force us to move for outer world.
I agree with your opinion, remaining in such peaceful atmosphere some disease automatically ebbs out. Thank you brother for lovely words.