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RE: Practice is key....

in GEMS4 years ago

You don't even have to do something for 3 hours a day to make yourself good, in most things it takes even less than twenty minutes a day to see results. It is not about quantity, and spending a lot of time doing something, but about quality, spending little time but well used. It's like they say, you can do something a lot, or you can do it well, but not both. And everyone can take fifteen, maybe ten minutes a day off, to do something, but nobody does anything with it.

In my opinion, the key is not practice but perseverance, if you add ten minutes well spent a day, every day, eventually you spend hours, or whole days in total, doing that thing, so you become really good at it. But if it is necessary to take three or more hours a day, it is very likely that it is too exhausting and that the time is not well used, perhaps it is too much and you cannot be constant with that, because it requires a lot of commitment, you can only do something for that amount of time if you really enjoy it, so it's not for everyone, and one will likely end up abandoning it, then end up accumulating less time, and of worse quality, than if you were only doing it for ten minutes, but better used, and for many more days. If it is a short time, one can do it any day, always, and it is likely that it will become a habit.

It only takes a few minutes a day, but persistently, every day, to be good at something. It is as they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.