Sometime when we have disagreement is because of how we perceive reality. Is it wrong to perceive something differently at times? We should respect each other's differences and compromise at times because we love one another.
Respect, patience and forgiveness are some of the key ingredients to make things work.
Sometime, letting go of someone is also being understanding. We understand that we need to allow another person to grow and that our time with one another is up.
Sometime, we need to be honest with ourselves.
Thank you for saying this, we need to let others go for more better things to take place in our life, we need to have patience, because without patience, nothing would seems to work, life needs more understanding for a person to be happy. I greet you @wanderfullism
@johnbenn I truly enjoyed reading your post as it has empathy, and the intention to connect and bridge differences. This is not just a onetime occurrence, but rather a way of living that should be shared with others.
Thank you for saying this @wanderfullism, truly it connects and it's one of the ways to bring difference.