Identify & Discuss Disrespectful Situations Early in Your Relationship

in GEMSlast month

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog at this hour. Respect is a key determinant of a happy, healthy and long-lasting relationship. It is almost impossible to not disagree on certain issues or situations but it is integral that the disagreements must not be displayed in a disrespectful manner. In other words, it is highly important to maintain utmost respect to each other during arguments. Respect for one another as partners enable you to avoid saying or doing what will hurt one another even when you are angry. Well, sit back, relax and enjoy all that I have packaged for your reading pleasure.
In the early stage of a relationship when two people are getting to know each other, an important conversation should be focused around respect. The term respect mean different things to different people due to backgrounds and upbringing. This is the more reason the discussion must hold so that the two of you will share your thoughts and know when not to cross the line. The two partners should have a discussion about the meaning of respect, what respectful behaviour should look like and at what point does it seem that disrespect is beginning to creep in amongst other related subject of discussion.

Disrespectful actions are condoned by different people in different ways. There are some things that a person would ignore but it will not be overlooked by another person. Making serious decisions that can affect the two of you or the family as a whole without seeking the opinions of your partner or failing to be appreciative 'thank you' or apologetic 'I'm sorry' can be perceived as disrespectful to some and others may just ignore. So, this is the reason it is important to know your partner well and the only way to know is when you ask questions.


Furthermore, there is noone that is perfect and that is the reason you should also talk about the possible ways of managing the situation when there is an issue of disrespect. One of the ways is to identify and respect you and your partner's boundaries. Like I noted earlier, there are some things that normally do not look like disrespect to you but may be disrespectful to your partner. Discuss about the topic by sharing some possible instances such as it may be a show of disrespect to come home late and not inform your partner beforehand through a call or text. Some partners find it to be disrespectful when you invite your friends or family to your home without giving them prior notice. However, these discussions should be in the best possible relaxed conditions and not lead to any intense conversation.

Respect is a major backbone that hold relationship from failing and it can be further strengthend through constant communication. Partners must be able to discuss freely without fear of being judged or offending the other person. Let the environment be always conducive for you both to have a healthy conversation because failure to do so will have a negative effect on your relationship on the ling run.


There was a man who decided to surprise his wife with a house but later wished he hadn't done so. The wife didn't receive the news with a happy mind because she felt her husband kept the whole thing a secret from her from the point of acquiring a land to the point of completing the building. She feels like for him to hide such a magnanimous thing from her, he's capable of hiding so much more in their marriage. She wanted to be carried along during the process and if possible contribute her own quota but the husband had another point of view - to surprise her. This may not have occurred if they have had prior discussions about these kind of issues. Hence, it is important to create time for discussions like this to avoid bitterness from disrespectful situations damage your relationship.